The Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac
the ram the ram with the golden fleece which rescued a young boy and his sister from death
the white bull Zeus disguised himself as a white bull in order to kidnap a woman named Europa.
the twins named for the twins Castor and Pollux
the crab sometimes connected with the crab that attacked Hercules at Hera’s command
the lion traditionally the Nemean Lion that Hercules killed during his Twelve Labors
the virgin goddess sometimes Persephone, but usually Justice
a set of scales sometimes referred to as the “scales of justice” which weighed the souls of the dead
the scorpion the scorpion that attacked Orion or Phaethon
the archer centaur named Chiron Chiron was reputed to be the teacher of such men as Achilles and Jason.
a goat often connected with the goat- god Pan
the water bearer often referred to as the cupbearer of the gods
fish said to be Cupid and Venus who changed themselves into this form to escape Typhon