HERCULES!!!!! ASTERISMS In ancient times (before the star was associated with a Greek myth/legend) the constellation Engonasin, or “The Kneeling One.” In ancient times (before the star was associated with a Greek myth/legend) the constellation Engonasin, or “The Kneeling One.” A more commonly referred to asterism is The Keystone. A more commonly referred to asterism is The Keystone. Often referred to as The Strong Man as well. (Although if you asked me he looks more like he’s striking a pose for a glamour magazine.) Often referred to as The Strong Man as well. (Although if you asked me he looks more like he’s striking a pose for a glamour magazine.)
WHERE CAN I FIND THIS GLAMOROUS CONSTELLATION SARAH??? The right ascension is 16hrs and 41.7min. The right ascension is 16hrs and 41.7min. The declination is +30 The declination is +30 It is the EIGHTH LARGEST constellation (So yeah it’s a pretty big constellation!) It is the EIGHTH LARGEST constellation (So yeah it’s a pretty big constellation!) He is neighbored by He is neighbored by Aquila, Boötes, Corona Borealis, and Draco.
BUT HEY…. WHEN CAN I ACTUALLY SEE IT? Hercules is BEST visible toward the beginning of July here in DFW, but still visible well throughout the month :D Hercules is BEST visible toward the beginning of July here in DFW, but still visible well throughout the month :D Hercules is part of the circumpolar constellation family! Hercules is part of the circumpolar constellation family! Alpha Herculis, Beta Herculis, and Gamma Herculis are the three brightest stars in the constellation. ALL of Hercules stars have a magnitude greater than 3, which is crazy because it may not look like it but there are A BUNCH of stars in this constellation!
YO SARAH! WHAT IS HERC’S BACKSTORY? So… So…Heracles was the son of Zeus and a MORTAL WOMEN named Alcmene! Zeus layed baby Herc across Hera’s check and the baby (doing what babies do) fed on Hera’s milk. So Hera Zeus's WIFE was NOT HAPPY, she was livid when she found out, but hey whatcha gonna do Herc fed on your milk he’s immortal now you can’t exactly kill him. So instead of committing murder, which Hera did….. Like a lot, she decided to make his life a living h**l. She cast a spell that made him go insane and kill his children. When he snapped out of it and realized what he’d done he set out to visit The Oracle of Delphine who sent him on a quest of waaay too many tasks, first kill the Nemean lion, a beast whose fur was impenetrable by everything. (unshankable) The second task was to destroy the Hydra a monster with multiple heads. But he completed each task without fail. He was free of his debt after defeating Cerberus. He went on to marry Deianeira, daughter of King Oeneus who one day fearing Herc was unfaithful to her (LOL who isn’t these days girl) gave him a love potion that was SUPPOSED to make his love for her unbreakable, buuuttttttt it wound up killing him…..well at least the “mortal” part of him; After that the immortal part of him joined the other Gods on Mt. Olympus where Zeus cast him in the sky to live forever among the stars.
OTHER MYTHS???? WEELLLLP! Another variation of this myth was that good ole Herc never fed on heras breast milk, but that Hera was informed of Hercules birth by another God. She then set two venomous snakes to murder Herc in his sleep. However Hercules, even as a baby, possessed powerful strength and strangled both snakes to death. He went on tp marry Princess Megara of WEELLLLP! Another variation of this myth was that good ole Herc never fed on heras breast milk, but that Hera was informed of Hercules birth by another God. She then set two venomous snakes to murder Herc in his sleep. However Hercules, even as a baby, possessed powerful strength and strangled both snakes to death. He went on tp marry Princess Megara of Thebes, as a reward for liberating that country. Hera still managed to cast a spell that made him go insane and murder his wife and children though and this myth lines up perfectly with the other after that.
YOU GOT ANY COOL FACTS FOR ME SARAHBELLA????? 1.) 1.) Hercules is one of the largest constellations, but it doesn't have very bright stars. So it’s extremely big not very bright, kinda like football players! 2.) The constellation can be seen in the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Which is real cool because that’s not often the case. 3.) Several planets have been found orbiting stars within Hercules. (Including an enormous gas giant with 8 times the mass of Jupiter.) Big AND gassy!!!!!
WORKS CITED! Her Her Her Her Practically all my information came from… Practically all my information came from… Her Her Her Her