Statute: Patrician carrying busts Using information from the texts available. You need to carry out research on this piece of Roman sculpture and complete the booklet provided. As part of this assessment you must be able to distinguish the Roman Ideologies present in art and architecture independently. You may work collaboratively in the research but ultimately your work will be independent.
Statute: Patrician carrying busts
Assignment Statute: Patrician carrying busts o You need to produce a piece of formal writing, demonstrating your understanding of Roman ideologies as evidenced in the Patrician carrying the busts. o Your answer needs to refer to key Latin terms and should provided thorough explanation across a range of ideologies and supported with evidence. o You should consider the criteria required for Excellence for the Achievement Standard. Demonstrate perceptive understanding involves showing insight into a range of aspects and/or factors of significant ideology(ies) in the classical world. Features of a perceptive understanding may include: Providing reasons for similarities and differences Establishing themes or patterns Identifying cultural expectations and codes of behaviour Showing discernment regarding limitations of sources of evidence
Bust of Commodus How does this compare to the Patrician carrying busts? What ideological differences are there?
WHO WAS COMMODUS…? Commodus was the son of Marcus Aurelius. a brutal emperor for 12 years (180 AD – 192 AD). he was assassinated (strangled) at the age of 31. an interesting character of questionable sanity. Wheeler calls him a “sadistic pervert”. he was a decadent, self-indulgent, deranged megalomaniac. had a fondness for gladiatorial games often taking part in the animal hunts (dressed as Hercules). his blatant self-heroization here in this piece is quite extraordinary.
THE PIECE IN A NUTSHELL He wears a lion skin. Commodus is shown with a beard and moustache. He holds a knotted club in his right hand. In his left hand he holds three apples. Two cornucopiae full of fruit hold up the bust. Between the cornucopiae is an Amazon shield which is decorated with Medusa’s head. There is a sphere with a band across the middle of it with three Zodiac signs. It is it also has four rosettes. An Amazonian warrior kneels on either side of a sphere.