HAZWOPER Management and Supervisor
Personnel responsible for safety/health v Personnel and alternates responsible for safety and health v May vary according to job responsibilities 1a
Safety and health hazards v Potential exposures to chemical hazards v Biological and radiological hazards v Principles of toxicology v General safety hazards 2a
v Equipment selection and use v Maintenance and storage v Decontamination and disposal 3a Personal protective equipment
v Training and proper fit v Donning and doffing procedures v Inspection 3b Personal protective equipment
v In-use monitoring v Program evaluation v Equipment limitations 3c Personal protective equipment
v Employers must provide and require the use of PPE where engineering controls are not feasible 3d
Personal protective equipment v PPE must be appropriate to the: requirements/limitations of the siterequirements/limitations of the site task-specific conditions and durationtask-specific conditions and duration identified hazards and potential hazardsidentified hazards and potential hazards 3e
Work practices to minimize risk from hazards v Examples of safe work practices include removing all non-essential personnel from potential exposure while: opening drumsopening drums wetting down dusty operationswetting down dusty operations placing employees upwind of potential hazardsplacing employees upwind of potential hazards 4a
Work practices to minimize risk from hazards v The standard covers two specific work practices: Handling and Labeling Drums and Containers (j)Handling and Labeling Drums and Containers (j) Sanitation of Temporary Workplaces (n)Sanitation of Temporary Workplaces (n) 4b
Work practices to minimize risk from hazards v Handling and labeling drums and containers Ensure that drums meet required regulationsEnsure that drums meet required regulations Inform employees of appropriate hazard warnings of labeled drumsInform employees of appropriate hazard warnings of labeled drums Ensure that safe practices are institutedEnsure that safe practices are instituted 4c
Minimize risk from hazards v Handling and labeling drums and containers Standing on or working from drums or containers is prohibitedStanding on or working from drums or containers is prohibited Evacuate non-essential employees from the transfer areaEvacuate non-essential employees from the transfer area 4d
Minimize risk from hazards v Handling and labeling drums and containers Use barriers to protect equipment operators from the transfer areaUse barriers to protect equipment operators from the transfer area Make available a continuous means of communicationMake available a continuous means of communication Safe removal of bulging drums or containersSafe removal of bulging drums or containers 4e
Minimize risk from hazards v Sanitation of temporary workplaces PriviesPrivies Chemical toiletsChemical toilets Recirculation toiletsRecirculation toilets Combustion toiletsCombustion toilets 4f
Engineering controls and equipment v Engineering controls and work practices must be implemented to help reduce and maintain employee exposure at or below permissible exposure limits v If engineering and work practice controls are not feasible, use appropriate PPE 5a
Medical surveillance v Medical surveillance helps assess and monitor the health and fitness of employees working with hazardous substances 6a
Medical surveillance v Establish a medical surveillance program in the following situations: Employees are exposed to hazardous substances above the PEL for more than 30 days/yearEmployees are exposed to hazardous substances above the PEL for more than 30 days/year Employees are exposed above the published exposure levels for 30 days or more/yearEmployees are exposed above the published exposure levels for 30 days or more/year 6b
Medical surveillance v Establish a medical surveillance program in the following situations: Workers wear approved respirators for 30 or more days/year on siteWorkers wear approved respirators for 30 or more days/year on site Workers are exposed to unexpected or emergency releases of hazardous wastes above exposure limitsWorkers are exposed to unexpected or emergency releases of hazardous wastes above exposure limits 6c
Medical surveillance v Establish a medical surveillance program in the following situations: Employees are members of HAZMAT teamEmployees are members of HAZMAT team 6d
Medical surveillance v Examinations are performed under the supervision of a licensed physician without cost to the employee, and in a reasonable time and place 6e
Medical surveillance v Examinations are given as follows: Prior to job assignment and annually thereafterPrior to job assignment and annually thereafter At the termination of employmentAt the termination of employment Before reassignment to an area where medical examinations are not requiredBefore reassignment to an area where medical examinations are not required 6f
Medical surveillance v Examinations are given as follows: If the examining physician believes that a periodic follow-up is medically necessaryIf the examining physician believes that a periodic follow-up is medically necessary As soon as possible for employees injured or becoming ill from exposure during an emergencyAs soon as possible for employees injured or becoming ill from exposure during an emergency 6g
Elements of site-specific safety and health plans v Decontamination procedures v Handling contaminated clothing v Showers and change rooms 7a
Emergency response plans v Review 29 CFR v Review 29 CFR (l) 8a
Emergency response plans - required elements v Personnel roles, lines of authority, communications procedures v Pre-emergency planning v Emergency recognition and prevention 9a
Emergency response plans - required elements v Emergency medical and first aid treatment v Methods or procedures for alerting onsite employees v Safe distances and places of refuge 9b
Emergency response plans - required elements v Site security and control v Decontamination procedures v Critique of response and follow- up 9c
Emergency response plans - required elements v PPE and emergency equipment v Evacuation routes/procedures 9d
Elements of a safety and health plan v A safety and health risk or hazard analysis for each site task and operation v Specific employee training assignments v PPE 10a
Elements of a safety and health plan v Medical surveillance requirements v Frequency and types of air monitoring v Site control measures v Decontamination procedures 10b
Elements of a safety and health plan v Emergency response plans v Confined space entry procedures v Spill containment program 10c
Personal protective equipment program v Select and use PPE that is appropriate for the task at hand 11a
Spill containment programs v Review 29 CFR a
Hazard monitoring procedures - checklist v Is the plan in writing? v Is the written plan accessible to employees? v Are emergency escape procedures and emergency escape routes assigned? 13a
Hazard monitoring procedures - checklist v Are procedures established to account for all employees after the emergency evacuation has been completed? v Has an employee alarm system been developed? 13b
Hazard monitoring procedures - checklist v Have enough employees been trained in evacuation? v Has the emergency action plan been reviewed? 13c
Hazard monitoring procedures - checklist v Is the written plan kept at the workplace and made available to employees? v Will employees be handling incidental releases? 13d
Hazard monitoring procedures v Hazardous waste site hazards include: toxic chemicalstoxic chemicals fire and explosion hazardsfire and explosion hazards radioactivityradioactivity biological hazardsbiological hazards oxygen-deficient atmospheresoxygen-deficient atmospheres oxygen-enriched atmospheresoxygen-enriched atmospheres 13e
Hazard monitoring procedures v Sampling methods include: personal samplingpersonal sampling water samplingwater sampling soil testingsoil testing drum samplingdrum sampling compatibility testingcompatibility testing 13f
Hazard monitoring procedures v Sampling instruments include: oxygen metersoxygen meters combustible gas indicatorscombustible gas indicators colorimetric detector tubescolorimetric detector tubes personal alarm systemspersonal alarm systems 13g
Confined space entry v Review 29 CFR a
Spill containment - equipment v Drop cloths or plastics v Collection containers v Absorbents, foams, chemical containment materials 15a
Spill containment - equipment v Long-handled wash brushes, paper cloth towels v Appropriate PPE and reference materials 15b