OPTIMA October 2004 WP01 Requirements and constraints
1 Objectives To compile comprehensive lists of water management issues, problems and respective information requirements across the set of case studies To identify the major institutional structures, actors and stakeholders in water related decision making processes To list and document the data requirements for the proposed methods To analyse local data availability against these requirements To analyse resulting constraints and alternative approaches where necessary
2 Three building blocks Data –Model requirements and data availability Water issues –Characterisation of the case-studies, in a way suitable for quantitative modelling Stakeholders –Identification of local actors
3 Data - objectives To list and document the data requirements for the proposed methods To analyse local data availability against these requirements
4 Data – requirements Geographical Domain Definition Surface Water River Network Geometry and Topology River basin objects subcatchements aquifers lakes, reservoirs, hydraulic structures demand notes treatment nodes … Water quality data Land use and land use changes
5 Data – next steps We will circulate a checklist of data requirements You will be asked to fill in, indicating data availability and metadata
6 Water issues - objectives To compile comprehensive lists of water management issues, problems and respective information requirements across the set of case studies
7 Water issues - identification Three components –Water demand –Water supply –Water management Two types of information –Quantitative indicators (static and dynamic) –Assessment of relative importance, urgency etc.
8 Demand-related issues This section deals with the economic sectors and spheres of human activity which, through their demand of water resources, exert a pressure on both quantity and quality of the resource.
9 Water demand – the issues Total water demand –Total demand and recent trends Socio-demographic trends and water demand from househoulds –Resident population and demographic trends –Density of population, urbanisation and urbanisation trends –Access to safe, sufficient water supply –Water related diseases –…
10 Water demand – the issues/2 Economic trends and water demand (agriculture, industry, energy) –General income per capita and recent economic trends –Agriculture water demand from agriculture irrigated areas land use and change in land use –Industry water demand from industry heavy vs. light industry –Energy production water demand from energy sector Importance of hydropower and recent trends –Tourism and recreation water demand from tourism tourism and recent trends
11 Water supply issues This part deals with questions of quantity and quality of water resources and the efficiency of their use
12 Water supply – the issues Total water supply and recent trends –Internal surface water and groundwater –Recyclable annd recycled water resources –Precipitations and temperatures –Vulnerability to climate change Accessibility –Distance of water sources from main demand centres Infrastructures –Artificial basins –Purification plants
13 Water management issues This part deals with the existence of clear and efficient mechanisms of water regulation, adequate management resources and effective stakeholder participation.
14 Water management – the issues Institutions –Number of institutions dealing with water management –Relative role of private and public operators Regulation –Characterisation of policies and regulations –Institutional forms of allocation Water pricing –Prices of water and tariff structures Infrastructures and technology –Efficiency in water use –Investment in water infrastrutures and water technologies
15 Water issues - next steps The list will be presented in the form of a questionnaire, in order to facilitate the collection of data about the quantitative and perceived relevance of the issues considered. Example: Access to potable water Percentage of resident population without access Is the access to potable water a problem in your case? Very high priority5 High priority4 Medium priority 3 Low priority2 Not relevant1