Stress Management
WHAT IS STRESS? l Stress is your mind and body’s response or reaction to a real or imagined threat, event or change. l The threat, event or change are commonly called stressors. Stressors can be internal (thoughts, beliefs, attitudes) or external (loss, tragedy, change). l What is a stressor to one person may not be to another person.
EUSTRESS Eustress, or positive stress, occurs when your level of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into action to get things accomplished.
Benefits of Eustress n Increased productivity n Enhanced creativity n Motivation n Excitement n Stimulation n Sense of purpose n Challenges
DISTRESS Distress, or negative stress, occurs when your level of stress is either too high or too low and your body and/or mind begin to respond negatively to the stressors.
Effects of Distress n High blood pressure n Ulcers n Headaches n Heart disease n Anxiety n Insomnia n Eating disorders
Stress Elicits the Fight or Flight Response
Physiological Changes in our Body n Increased heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure n Increase of oxygen to the muscles n Pupils dilate n Increased blood flow to the brain n Decreased functioning of digestive, sexual, and immune systems
Symptoms of Stress Checklist