Mr. Swarthout 8 th grade Honors English I Please pick up your student’s SpringBoard Book and spiral or composition notebook from the white basket on the back table. They are stored alphabetically by the student’s last name.
About the Teacher Graduated from Washington State University in December 2012 Bachelor of Arts in English Bachelor of Science in Psychology Minor in Sociology Coach Cross-Country and Track and Field Member of the Curriculum Adoption Committee and the Building Leadership Team (BLT) Teaming with teachers who teach honors and AP classes here and at Jackson High School Second year at Heatherwood Middle School
Curriculum Here is an introduction to SpringBoard: ela-module1/story_html5.html
Curriculum SpringBoard is the adopted curriculum for the Everett School District. SpringBoard will drive the instruction in this classroom. District Assessment data will be collected from the following SpringBoard Assessments: 1.Unit 1: EA 2 (page 83) – Argumentative Essay 2.Unit 4: EA 2 (page 315) – Analyzing Poetry 3.Unit 2: EA 1 (page 126) – Narrative/Creative Writing 4.Unit 3: EA 2 (Page 249) – Literary Analysis Time permitting, the goal is to reach Unit 5: Shakespeare by the end of the year.
Honors 1 Block – What is it? The course has been designed to mimic a 9 th grade honors course at Jackson High School. Students are using the 9 th grade SpringBoard Book. Students will leave here prepared to enter 10 th grade honors (Honors 2) at Jackson High School.
High School Credit Students can receive high school credit for this class upon parent request at their high school. The grade will be added to his/her high school transcript, and his/her high school GPA will be affected.
Students will be expected to read everyday at home and keep a reading log. They should read at least 60 pages per week. Students should be completing vocabulary activities at home online at (about 10 minutes each night). My Philosophy – Besides the daily homework listed above, I try to limit homework to extensions of activities that are not completed in class. I understand that many students also have busy lives outside of class.
Independent Reading Students will be expected to read at least 1,000 pages and at least six novels per semester from the AP Book List – now fixed. They will keep a reading log as they are reading. Three reading logs are required for each novel read (around every pages or every 1/3 of the novel). Reading logs are due every 3-4 weeks. You can find exact due dates and additional independent reading information on my webpage. A summative assessment will be given in class at the end of each semester.
Grades are designed to reflect students’ knowledge of content standards. As well as sending home progress reports in the middle of the semester, I will be posting grades online regularly.
Standard-Based Grades Formative grades: given for assignments usually done with partners or in groups after the initial modeling of a concept. They are weighted at 15% of the student’s grade. Summative grades: given for assignments usually done individually to show learning after a concept has been taught and practiced. They make up 85% of the student’s grade.
Parent Involvement in Homework Please discuss with your child the book they are currently reading for class and help them make a plan for which books to read this semester. Please provide a quiet place for your child to read and to complete homework assignments. Please check grades online as needed. ALWAYS praise hard work.
Students will be expected to follow Heatherwood’s code of conduct: Be Respectful Act Responsibly Be a Part of the Solution I will contact you if your child needs to discuss behavior solutions with you. Your support makes a big difference.
Mr. Swarthout’s Webpage 1 On my webpage you will find calendars with due dates for major assignments, the AP Book List, and other independent reading documents.
REMIND REMIND is a one-way broadcast system. Teachers can send individual messages to students and guardians and they (students and guardians) cannot reply. REMIND also keeps a log of all message history which can never be edited or deleted. Teachers never see student or guardian phone numbers, and phone numbers cannot be seen by other students or guardians. If you would like to receive these messages, please follow the instructions on the following slide.
AM Block Parents
Mid Block Parents
PM Block Parents
You are invited to come and conference with your student’s first period teacher during the week of October 27. If you need a conference before then, please contact me at or Unless I am out of the building, I will respond to your call within 24 hours.
Goal-Setting Conferences Please sign up for your goal-setting conferences (1 st period parents only) before leaving tonight. Week of October 27 Sign-up forms are on a desk at the front of the room.
Thanks for coming! Your support is important to your student’s success! Please place your student’s SpringBoard book and notebook back in the basket before you leave. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to stop by at the end of Curriculum night, or me at any time!