Creating Digital Portfolios
Plan! Decide on the purpose – Employment – Maintain a record – Award – Future classes – Way of keeping and organizing what you have Organize around: – Standards – Questions – Theme
What will you include? Educational philosophy Goals Reflective statements Vignettes Case studies Journal entries Resume Transcripts Awards, grants, and honors Research papers Samples of children you worked with References/ recommendations Teaching evaluations Classroom evaluations List of Web sites in ECE Lesson Plans Curricula Newsletters or brochures you have created Record of books read Samples of work Videos/pictures
How to Begin Online versus on CD Software – Special software – Word – PowerPoint Scanner Digital Camera
Examples of Portfolios Examples Eportfolio My portfolio
My portfolio with table Instructions for creating table: 1. Choose blank layout. 2. Insert table and choose 3x3. Then stretch it to fit the slide. Click inside cell and choose format, table, then fill, then fill effects, then picture and go on your computer and find the picture you want as a background. Click okay.
How to Hyperlink You can hyperlink by clicking the hyperlink button at top after highlighting words or pictures You can draw an autoshape around an area, then format it with no fill, then click hyperlink button You can hyperlink to another slide or to another document
Sites to find Portfolios and info eachtech/elport.htm eachtech/elport.htm Instructions for creating a portfolio: chtech/ppt/elportppt.htm PTportfolios.pdf
Things to Remember Store all of your files in ONE folder. Use help when needed. Always shrink your pixels of pictures.