What is Cataloging LIB 630 Classification and Cataloging Spring 2009 The Big Question Do we need to be FRBRizing, or what?
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 2 What is Cataloging? catalogingcatalogingcataloging –The process of creating entries for a catalog. In libraries, this usually includes bibliographic description, subject analysis, assignment of classification notation, and activities involved in physically preparing the item for the shelf, tasks usually performed under the supervision of a librarian trained as a cataloger. British spelling is cataloguing. See also: cataloging agency, cataloging-in-publication, centralized cataloging, cooperative cataloging, copy cataloging, descriptive cataloging, encoding level, and recataloging.entriescatalog librariesbibliographic descriptionsubject analysis classificationnotationitemshelflibrariancatalogercataloging agencycataloging-in-publicationcentralized catalogingcooperative catalogingcopy catalogingdescriptive catalogingencoding levelrecataloging Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science, ODLISOnline Dictionary of Library and Information Science, ODLIS
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 32 kinds of cataloging Original cataloging Copy cataloging
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 4 What is original cataloging? original catalogingoriginal cataloging original cataloging original cataloging –Preparation of a bibliographic record from scratch, without the aid of a pre- existing catalog record for the same edition, more time-consuming for the cataloger than copy cataloging.bibliographic recordcatalog record edition catalogercopy cataloging –i.e.: Do-it-yourself cataloging!
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 5 Copy cataloging? copy catalogingcopy catalogingcopy catalogingcopy cataloging –Adaptation of a pre-existing bibliographic record (usually found in OCLC, RLIN, NUC, or some other bibliographic database) to fit the characteristics of the item in hand, with modifications to correct obvious errors and minor adjustments to reflect locally accepted cataloging practice, as distinct from original cataloging (creating a completely new record from scratch). bibliographic record OCLCRLINNUC bibliographic databaseitemcatalogingoriginal cataloging –i.e. Copy from others cataloging!
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 6 But what are we actually doing when we catalog a book or whatever? We’reWe’re entering information about the book into the library’s catalog, so that when patrons are searching, they can find what they’re looking for, or, at least, something that will help them find an answer to their question.
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 7What is a card catalog? card catalogcard catalogcard catalogcard catalog –A list of the holdings of a library, printed, typed, or handwritten on catalog cards, each representing a single bibliographic item in the collection. Catalog cards are normally filed in a single alphabetical sequence (dictionary catalog), or in separate sections by author, title, and subject (divided catalog), in the long narrow drawers of a specially designed filing cabinet, usually constructed of wood (click here to see an example). Most large- and medium-sized libraries in the United States have converted their card catalogs to machine-readable format. Also spelled card catalogue. Compare with online catalog.holdingslibraryprintedcatalog cardbibliographic item collectionalphabeticaldictionary catalogauthortitle subjectdivided catalogclick hereconvertedmachine-readableonline catalog
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 8 Online catalog? online catalogonline catalogonline catalogonline catalog –A library catalog consisting of a collection of bibliographic records in machine-readable format, maintained on a dedicated computer that provides uninterrupted interactive access via terminals or workstations in direct, continuous communication with the central computer. Although the software used in online catalogs is proprietary and not standardized, most online catalogs are searchable by author, title, subject heading, and keywords, and most public and academic libraries in the United States provide free public access, usually through a Web-based graphical user interface. Click here to log on to the online catalog of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Synonymous with OPAC.library catalog bibliographic recordmachine-readable formatdedicatedinteractiveaccess terminalworkstationsoftware proprietarystandardizedonlinesearchableauthortitlesubject headingkeywordspublic academic librariesWeb graphical user interfaceClick herelog onLibrary of CongressOPAC –OPAC=online public access catalog
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 9Why make this distinction? There are those who call an online catalog the “online card catalog” or something similar.There are those who call an online catalog the “online card catalog” or something similar. There are no cards on the computer, so that calling the online computer the “card” catalog is a misnomerThere are no cards on the computer, so that calling the online computer the “card” catalog is a misnomer “Card” refers only to the medium the catalog appears on“Card” refers only to the medium the catalog appears on –PLEASE DON’T DO IT!
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 10Elements of cataloging From ODLIS definition:From ODLIS definition:definition 1.bibliographic descriptionbibliographic description 2.subject analysissubject analysis 3.assignment of classification notation (which is essentially what classification is)classificationnotation 4.activities involved in physically preparing the item for the shelfitemshelf
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 11 What information do you put into the catalog, then? Basic bibliographic information (AKA bibliographic description):Basic bibliographic information (AKA bibliographic description): bibliographic description bibliographic description –Author, title, publisher, date –Edition Basic physical information (AKA physical description):Basic physical information (AKA physical description):physical descriptionphysical description –Size, no. of pages, whether illustrated, if it has a bibliography and/or index –Format (book, recording, electronic, etc.) Subject information (AKA subject analysis)Subject information (AKA subject analysis)subject analysissubject analysis
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 12 What is bibliographic description? The official international definition:The official international definition: –“... lists all the elements which are required to describe and identify all types of material which are likely to appear in library collections,...” ISBD(G): General International Standard Bibliographic Description General International Standard Bibliographic Description
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 13 Wait, there’s more, though! International Standard Bibliographic DescriptionInternational Standard Bibliographic Description –“... assigns an order to the elements of description, and specifies a system of punctuation for the description.” ISBD(G): General International Standard Bibliographic Description General International Standard Bibliographic Description
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 14 What is the prescribed order? –Area 1: title and statement of responsibility (for example: author, editor, artist). –Area 2: edition. –Area 3: material-dependent information (for example, the scale of a map or the duration of a sound recording).map sound recording –Area 4: publication and distribution. –Area 5: physical description (for example: size and number of pages in a book or number of CDs in the same jewel case).jewel case –Area 6: series. –Area 7: notes. –Area 8: standard number (ISBN, ISSN).ISBNISSN International Standard Bibliographic Description From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. aphic_DescriptionInternational Standard Bibliographic DescriptionWikipedia aphic_Description
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 15 Slide Slide from presentation Introduction to Description: History of Cataloging CodesIntroduction to Description: History of Cataloging Codes What is the punctuation? Spaces before and after the special punctuation (shown in red)! GMD=General material designation. New rules: [ ] not ( )
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 16 An Example Slide Slide from presentation Introduction to Description: History of Cataloging CodesIntroduction to Description: History of Cataloging Codes Notice the spaces! Title Author Edition Author
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 17 What do the punctuation symbols mean? [...] usually means that what’s included within the [ ] is General Material Designation, i.e. physical or electronic or other format : usually means that what comes first is the main title and what comes after is the subtitle (if there are spaces before and after) OR what comes first is the place of publication and what comes after is the publisher / means that what follows is the “statement of responsibility”, i.e. author, editor, etc
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 18 What’s the advantage of having everything so standardized? You can recognize and read a bibliographic record, no matter what language or script it’s written inYou can recognize and read a bibliographic record, no matter what language or script it’s written in You can tell what’s being described, no matter what kind of material it isYou can tell what’s being described, no matter what kind of material it is
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 19 An example in English Main title GMD—format realia=real-life object realia Subtitle Statement of responsibility Publication info Physical description Series info Slide 14Slide 14 from CATALOGING: Ticket to the Past, the Present, and the Future © 2000 Arlene G. TaylorCATALOGING: Ticket to the Past, the Present, and the Future Edition and edition responsi- bility
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 20 An example in German Title GMD=General Material Designation (in this case: electronic resource) Subtitle Statement of responsibility Publication area Series information Standard Number Physical Description
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 21 An example in Bulgarian Author Title Subtitle (or GMD?) Statement of responsibility Edition area Publication area Physical description
22 ISBD in an online catalog / shows statement of responsibility, i.e. author, follows General Material Designation Spaces before and after punctuation to separate sections
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 23 What does AACR2 have to do with this? Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR)Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR)Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR)Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) –A detailed set of standardized rules for cataloging various types of library materials... which is divided into two parts: rules for creating the bibliographic description of an item of any type, and rules governing the choice and form of entry of headings (access points) in the catalog.standardized cataloginglibrary materials bibliographic descriptionitemform of entryheadingcatalog Click here Click here to read a brief history of AACR2, courtesy of the JSC. AACR2JSC
October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 24Do we need to learn all these rules? If you plan on specializing as a cataloger, especially in a large research library, where you will be doing a lot of original cataloging, then you will need to learn the rules.If you plan on specializing as a cataloger, especially in a large research library, where you will be doing a lot of original cataloging, then you will need to learn the rules. As an LMS, most of your cataloging will be copy cataloging, so that a general awareness of the rules will be all you need—plus knowing where to look them up!As an LMS, most of your cataloging will be copy cataloging, so that a general awareness of the rules will be all you need—plus knowing where to look them up!
Will there be an AACR3? Yes and no—FRBR is coming!Yes and no—FRBR is coming! October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 25
26 What is FRBR? Functional Requirements for Bibliographic RecordsFunctional Requirements for Bibliographic Records Either F-R-B-R or “Ferber”Either F-R-B-R or “Ferber” A report in 7 languages (soon to add simplified and traditional Chinese)A report in 7 languages (soon to add simplified and traditional Chinese) A “conceptual model”A “conceptual model” –entities –attributes –Relationships This comes from the Powerpoint presentation below:
27Goal of cataloging FRBRFRBR To enable a person to:To enable a person to: –Find –Identify –Select –Obtain Cutter ( 19 th century cataloging pioneer)Cutter ( 19 th century cataloging pioneer) To enable a person to find a book of which eitherTo enable a person to find a book of which either –the author –the title –the subject...is known To show what the library hasTo show what the library has –by a given author –on a given subject –in a given kind of literature To assist in the choice of a bookTo assist in the choice of a book –as to its edition (bibliographically) –as to its character (literary or topical) Adapted from FRBR; or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the model FRBR; or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the model
Do we need FRBR? October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 28
And then there’s RDA... maybe!... maybe! October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 29
Probably! What is RDA? RDA: Resource Description and AccessRDA: Resource Description and Access –the new standard for resource description and access designed for the digital world. Built on the foundations established by AACR2, RDA provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and instructions on resource description and access covering all types of content and media. October 25, 2015 What is cataloging? 30