Overview of H.350 Directory Services For Multimedia Conferencing Larry Amiot Northwestern University Internet2 Commons Site Coordinator Training March 23, 2004 Indianapolis, Indiana
2 The Need The large scale deployment of IP-based video and voice services has driven the need for complementary directory services Users need directories to locate other users with whom they wish to communicate Associate authentication information with a user and enable both endpoint and gatekeeper access to that information Store endpoint configuration information Examples of these services are H.323, voice/IP (SIP), VRVS, and MPEG.
3 Directory Services Generic super class, called commObject, defined that holds information that describes an endpoint such as a video conferencing system or an IP telephone The commObject schema can be associated with a user, so that one can connect to a specific user’s IP telephone or video endpoint The commObject class can be further sub- classed to represent specific protocols
4 H.350 Directory Services Directory Service is being developed as an international initiative commObject is a schema definition that has been ratified by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) It is based on the Lightweight Directory Access (LDAP) protocol
5 ITU Documents The following documents are the ITU documents: H.350- commObject H h323Identity H h235Identity H h320Identity H SIPIdentity H GenericIdentity
6 H H.323 Directory Services The first version of commObject defined h323Identity, which described attributes specific to an h.323 endpoint
7 H.350 commURIObject commURI commObject commUniqueId commOwner commPrivate
8 H h323Identity Object Class h323IdentityGKDomain h323Identityh323-ID h323IdentitydialedDigits h323Identity -ID h323IdentityURL-ID h323IdentitytransportID h323IdentitypartyNumber h323IdentitymobileUIM h323IdentityEndpointType h323IdentityServiceLevel
9 From ViDeNet Video Middleware Cookbook, Jill Gemmill et al 2003 Directory Services Model
10 Enterprise LDAP ServercommObject LDAP Server commOwner commURI User Search Basic Directory Services Model
11 NU Enterprise LDAP server NU commObject LDAP server NU Web Server 1 2 Northwestern Directory Services
16 Northwestern Directory Services NU Enterprise LDAP server NU commObject LDAP server ViDeNet International Search 1 2
17 Directory-of- Directories CommObject LDAP Directory Enterprise LDAP Directory Local User Search CommObject LDAP Directory Enterprise LDAP Directory CommObject LDAP Directory Enterprise LDAP Directory CommObject LDAP Directory Enterprise LDAP Directory Remote User Search
18 Northwestern Directory Services Add/Change/Delete A Record NU commObject LDAP server NU Web Server
20 NU PH serverNU Enterprise LDAP server NU commObject LDAP server NU Web Server Add/Change/Delete A Record LDAP Operations commURI Nightly Update Northwestern Directory Services
21 Potential Uses of H.350 Directory Services Configuration Information Authentication Dial able URLs