+ Some highlights for test
+ Things to consider Be sure to read over the case study on sharks for Chapter 4 Active figure 4-2 Science Focus – insects! Figure 4-13 Specific examples
+ 4-1 What is Biodiversity and Why Important? Different types of diversity Species – variety of types of species Genetic – variety of genes = ability to adapt and survive Ecosystem – ecosystems are a storehouse of genetic and species diversity; biomes Functional – variety of processes – energy flow and matter cycling that occur within systems; food webs
+ 4-6 What Role do Species Play? Niche – pattern of living Species way of life within a community – everything that affects its survival and reproduction – sun, water, space, food, temperature Generalists vs specialists – graph on pg 95 is used on test Know some examples of specialists and generalists
+ 4-6 What Role do Species Play? 5 major roles within ecosystem Native – those that normally live there Nonnative/invasive/alien/exotic species Indicator species – provide early warning of damage to community or ecosystem Know some examples – bees, butterflies, amphibians Know some details about frogs Keystone species – whose roles have a large effect on types and abundance of other species (need ex) Foundation species – major role in shaping the community by creating and enhancing their habitats in ways that benefit others
+ Things to consider ch 5 Core Case Study on Sea otters The basic ways species interact – EX for each Figure 5-5 for examples of prey strategies Specific examples for concepts (pics help) R vs K strategists Graphs – figure 5-15 Types of population change Inertia, persistence, resilience
+ 5-1 How do Species Interact? Look at list on pg 105 Tempted to brush it off b/c remember terms – do you know examples that could fit for each? Resource partitioning –reducing competition; traits that allow to share resources – at different times of different ways Predator-prey – ways they adapt to each other
+ 5-1 Predator-prey Methods prey have to avoid, methods/strategies predators have to catch Coevolution Parasitism – need a host and feed on it Don’t immediately kill host, but harm it Ex? Mutualism – 2 species benefit; ex? Commensalism - ex
+ 5-2 What Limits the Growth of Populations? Population – definition; most live in clumps (together) Resources – cluster where the resources are available Moving to encounter patches of resources Protection From predator standpoint – better chance at a meal Populations How calculate Range of tolerance Limiting factors – too much or too little can limit
+ 5-2 Logistic vs exponential Environmental resistance – combo of all factors acting to limit the growth Carrying capacity If exceed by too much; pop can crash C/C is not fixed, can fluctuate seasonally and year to year – weather, presence/absence of predators; abundance/scarcity of competitors Reproductive strategies R-strategy – think – random, play the numbers game –have a lot of offspring K-strategy – “K” for “karing” – have a few offspring and invest in them/care for them
+ 5-2 Density dependent and independent limiting factors –know def’n and ex Population changes and patterns: Stable – fluctuate a little above and below c/c; undisturbed and relatively unchanging areas Irrupt – pop surge to a peak then crash to stable level; short-lived, rapid-reprod species; linked to seasonal changes in weather and nutrition Regular Cyclic fluctuations (boom-bust) – Top-down regulation thru predation Bottom-up – controlled by resources Irregular – no pattern, chaotic
+ 5-3 How do Communities & Ecosystems Respond to changing environmental conditions? Succession – primary and secondary Difference between the 2 is mainly about the starting substrate – know what it is for each Tendency for succession to lead to more complex, diverse, and presumably stable ecosystems BUT cannot predict a course More like an ongoing struggle to compete
+ 5-3 Stability – capacity to withstand external stress and disturbance is maintained by constant change in response to enviro conditions Inertia (persistence) – ability of a living system to survive moderate disturbances Resilience – ability of living system to be restored through secondary succession after sever disturbance EX – Tropical rainforest – high species richness and high inertia; resistant to significant change IF severe; resilience may be so low that you reach a tipping point and can’t recover