This slide demo is intended for the PCD in its consideration for future development of Air Quality Management applications and tools for Thailand. The new advisory and supervising role of the PCD is consequently considered.
It is based on the fact that the PCD is currently using the Airviro System. Consequently many functions are not explained since they are described in the documentation available. References are sometimes made to potential Sida support which would enable a significant expansion of the functions and number of users (Regional Offices).
The Internet Airviro The new version of the Airviro System – the Internet Airviro, is based on the fact that many customers, like the PCD, are looking for applications which make use of the Internet for decentralization of work and responsibilities.
One corner stone is that only ONE application installation is needed (in the Central Office). Users at the Central Offices access via the Local Area Network (LAN). Regional Offices access via the Internet utilizing a standard PC and an Internet connection. No additional application/software installations are needed at the Regional Offices.
Another corner stone is that all applications are run (computed) in the Central Server at the Central Office. This means that only one powerful server is needed. Service & Maintenance as well as upgrades are consequently easily accomplished only in the Central Server via direct access by the supplier (no windows interface is required).
LINUX operating system is nowadays becoming the standard for Government systems especially when it comes to web servers. MS Windows based systems are vulnerable to virus attacks and have security problems. The hardware to be used as the Central Server can be any PC but should be capable of handling the foreseen workload.
The user logs into the IAirviro with his own password. He will then get access to the functions, databases, etc., that are set up by the System Manager. Users at the Central Office and the Regional Offices may work with each other's databases, results, etc. That allows the Central Office to follow up and supervise the work at the Regional Offices.
The Indico Administration The administration of the monitoring stations works in the same way as in the current PCD installation. The difference is that each Regional Office can be responsible for its own monitoring stations while still being supervised by the Central Office.
The Indico Presentation Also the Indico Presentation works in the same way as in the current PCD installation. The users login will set which stations (database) the user can access. This also opens for external users to use the IAirviro system at the discretion of the PCD.
Please note that the window handling is according to standard. Any window can be copied, printed, and used in any application like MS Word. Several windows with various results (graphs) can be displayed at the same time. The time scale on the x-axis and the value scale on the y-axis can easily be zoomed in and out.
The output can be 1) graphs, 2) pdf (e.g. for distribution), 3) text (ASCII). The three-step database will be changed to Indico Validation for simpler and better data validation. Excel interface for import/export of data via Internet (separate module: Waved).
The Emission Database Also the Emission Database works in the same way as in the current PCD installation. The users login will set which databases the user can access. This also opens for external users to use the IAirviro system at the discretion of the PCD.
The map handling allows for the use of various maps on any scale (zoom in/out and pan). This allows for a stepwise development of the application once additional Regional Offices enter into the project. Special function for input/output of emission data via Excel interface (Wedbed) which is used for distributed (local/regional) work with emission data.
A Regional Co-operation is established in Stockholm Region which is the cornerstone for the EDB development and maintenance. The EDB is the largest distributed EDB in the world (48 local authorities of various sizes). The large scale emission estimates below origin from this co-operation.
The examples are basically the same as in the current PCD installation. The map choice is followed by the choice to show the source on the map and/or as a listing (edit mode). And then the source(s) can be edited (added, changed, deleted) interactively.
The Search Criteria allows for extraction of the data from the EDB in various ways. The map function allows for EDB work on different scales by easy zoom in/our in different windows. Printing of results uses standard MS Windows functions.
Point sources are handled in the same way (just as in the current PCD installation). The map function allows for easy zoom in/our in different windows. The following three slides show the dominating district heating plant in Uppsala. Please note how the calculated emission change when the map is zoomed closer and closer to the main source.
The continuous development of the EDB in co-operation with Stockholm region, among others, paves the way for new functions. Recently a new function has been developed describing a “threshold” on streets when there is a queue.
The Dispersion Module Also the Dispersion Module works in the same way as in the current PCD installation. The models will be set up as in the current system with a need for a map, topography, roughness, and meteorology/climatology.
There are four (4) kinds of models in the Internet Airviro: 1) The Grid Model 2) The Gaussian Model 3) The Street Canyon Model 4) The Heavy Gas Model The models are developed and supported by the SMHI with all its research and development resources combined with its international co- operation in the field.
The Grid Model is probably of highest interest for the PCD since only a Gaussian Model will not fulfill all the application demands of the PCD. Although the run of the Grid Model should be left to well-trained staff, the results can still be accessed by Regional Offices via the Internet and utilized for their purposes.
The Gaussian Model will be complemented by the USEPA “AERMOD” which is the standard model for industrial applications. The Canyon Model will be complemented by the “OSPM” model from Risö Research Institute in Denmark.
The following 13 slides show some of the menus for initiating calculations with the various models. The last slides show the results from a Grid Model calculation over Stockholm area for NOx from traffic. The utilized EDB is developed under the regional co-operation where Local Offices contribute with emission information to the Central Database.
The Gaussian Model is well-known and proven. The example shows the dispersion results from a specific hour taken from the meteorological database. The output can, just as for any of the other models, be adjusted for various purposes and demands. The Isolines will be developed into an “Isoline Areas” output in the next version.
The Street Canyon Model works in the same way as in the current PCD installation, but it is now updated with new factors. The Street Canyon Model can be run as a Time Series.
The Heavy Gas Model works in the same way as in the current PCD installation. The Heavy Gas Model can naturally be used for planning purposes on any area. The industrial applications of the Heavy Gas Model could be subject for development discussions.
The Post Processor allows for advanced manipulations of the results from one and/or many calculations. (Please refer to documentation provided.) 1) Time series import/export. 2) Model adjustments. 3) Split/merge model results. 4) Spatial evaluation.
The Aircast Module The Module is a interaction between A Forecast with the Grid or Gauss Models, i.e. the Deterministic Forecast. A Statistical Forecast Model, for now, an exponential filter type. A Model Adjustment Process, which adjusts the Deterministically produced output by interpolating it with the Statistical Forecast. One or more stations can be used for this process.
Deterministic Forecast The Grid Model is run with a Meteorolo- gical Forecast for a certain period, combined with Emissions from the EDB. The resulting Forecast Concentration data are extracted in measuring positions, or stations, and stored in the Time Series Database.
Statistical Forecast Measured historical data are used to calculate memory coefficients. The Statistical Forecast at measuring positions is principally modelled as: FSC(t 0,DT) = FEC(t 0,DT) * K(t 0,DT) where FEC is the Deterministic Forecast; t 0 is start time; K is the “memory”; DT is the forecast period; and FSC is the Statistical Forecast.
The Model Adjustment Process The Statistical Forecasts at a measuring position is principally used as “measured” data. The Model Adjustment Process is used to adjust the model calculations to the “measured” data in the grid points representing measuring positions or stations. The field outside these points is adjusted with a extrapolation technique.
… which means that The Statistical Forecast is carried out for the available measuring stations and substances. The FSC data can be seen as a forecast of measured data representing local as well as background concentration contribution. Data for a certain forecast time from the measuring stations are input to the Model Adjustment Process. The resulting concentration fields are forecast fields adjusted for background contribution.
Example: Measurements (001) and Deterministic or Model Forecast (DFC) and Statistical Forecast (SFC) at the station Torkel Kn 20 in Stockholm
Adjusted concentration field