By: Erin K. Holiday Timeline 3/26/09 3 rd Grade
January 1 Was first celebrated 2000 B.C. New Years Day
M.L.K Jr. day 3 rd Monday in January Is to honor a non-violent change.
Presidents Day 3 rd Monday in Feb. Is to celebrate Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthday.
Memorial Day Last Monday in May Is to honor soldiers.
Flag Day June 14 Is to Honor Old Glory. Public buildings had to fly flag.
Independence Day July 1 Declaration of Independence approved. America’s B-Day.
Labor Day 1 st Monday in September Is to give workers a break. 1 st celebrated only in New York.
Columbus Day 2 nd Monday in October Is to celebrate Columbus Landing in Bahamas.
Veteran’s Day November 11 th Is to honor those who have fought in the war. Became a federal holiday in 1938.
Thanksgiving Last Thursday In November It started as a thanks to God.
Christmas December 25 th Celebrates Jesus’ birth. Celebrated for more then 16,oo years.
The End