José D. Zamora, Sean R. Morriss and Manuela Campanelli
Research: LIGO data analysis (LDAS/LAL) and numerical relativity source simulations (CACTUS) and now grid computing (VDT). Outreach : UTB is classified as a Minority Serving Institution. UTB GriPhyN and iVDGL Tier 3 center Experiments: LIGO ATLAS/CMS SDSS
GriPhyN/iVDGL Map Circa Worldwide Multi-Institutional Collaboration among Computer Science research and data intensive physics Experiments.
UTB Linux cluster: Lobizon Lobizon is 96-node Linux cluster used for research in LIGO data analysis, GW source simulation and grid computing. Currently administered by Jose’ Zamora. Grid enabled: Jose’ Zamora, Sean Morris and Santiago Peña.
UTB Linux Cluster `Lobizon’ Internet Router Firewall / Router Master Server Matrix Switch DHCP/Image server 96 node cluster (1-24), (1-24) and (1-24), (1-24) Intel Pentium III, 812mhz, 512 RAM, 40Gb The master (Lobizon) is connected to the internet through a firewall. The 96 nodes communicate with the master. PI III (812 mhz), Red-Hat 7.1 linux.
The Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) is a set of software, developed by GriPhyN researchers, for constructing the first global petascale virtual grid for data intensive science. The aim is to unify the view of data in a distributed grid environment. We use Condor to implement high throughput computing on a large, on-site collection of distributively owned computing resources. In order to achieve site to site connectivity, common protocols and security services are applied using Globus. The Virtual Data Toolkit
April 2002: we installed the first release of the VDT 1.0 May 2002: we successfully tested VDT locally June 2002: we worked with the VDT team to improve their documentation July 2002: we updated to VDT (development version) August 2002: visit to Fermilab and Madison to learn about Globus and Condor-g September 2002: we successfully tested Globus on the grid Grid Enabling the Cluster
GriPhyN-LIGO SC2002 Grid Demo SC2001 demo slide from Scott Koranda/Mike Wilde Caltech, NCSA, USC/ISI, UWM and UTB