Mentors – 5 th 6 Weeks Information Update & New Assignment
IMPORTANT DATES ALL PERIODS: Mar 28 – ZONE (Srs. have Grad info in Zone) Mar 29 – SNOW DAY!!! (No School) Apr 1-4 – ENG III Sampling (not sure which day) Apr 19 – End of 5 th 6 Weeks Continue to check your text messages via “Celly” for up to date info from Coach Weatherford.
Future Dates to Plan Ahead! Apr 20 – PROM Apr – EXIT TAKS Tests & Re-Tests May 1 – ZONE May 3 – SENIORS HONORS BREAKFAST May 6-17 – AP TESTING May 17 – Wildcat Walk May 24 – SNOW DAY (No School) May 27 – Memorial Day (No School) May – SENIOR FINALS June 3-6 – FINALS June 4-6 – Early Release Days June 6 – End of 6 th 6 Weeks June 7 – GRADUATION – 11:00am
Dress Code - Reminder Warmer Weather! As the weather warms up, be reminded that guys CAN NOT wear SHORTS or tank tops unless they have a P.E. class. Ladies, be reminded you are not wear shorts higher than your fingertips or straps less than the finger width rule. Everyone is reminded that you are an adult on your host campus and will dress as such.
5 th 6 Weeks Assignment DUE: by Friday, Apr. 5 th at NOON List the TOP 10 occupations you can use your Mentor experience and explain “how” it would be useful in the job. A “Teacher or Coach” of any kind can only be used once… (Example, 1 st grade, 2 nd grade, Sunday school, driver’s ed. teacher [etc.] count as one, and football or baseball coach [etc.] count as one.) You will have 10 explanations (one for each occupation) describing how the occupation uses “Mentoring skills” in its daily operation. You can make your assignment: 1.on plain paper [turn in to me, my box in the office, or my desk] 2. me at “dropbox” on the “C” Drive titled [Weatherford – 5 th 6 wks] All assignments are due/dropped by NOON on Apr. 5 th. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, ASK BEFORE THE DAY IT IS DUE!
ALWAYS REMEMBER… Refrain from distracted driving…