Electricity By Brandon-lee Bees
Navigation Basic ElectricityCircuits Different types of symbols AQA GCSE Science Physics - Generating Electricity. Length of wire vs Volts, Current and Resistance Length vs Volts and Current External linksSummary
Basic electricity Current: this is the flow of electric charges around a circuit. The size of the current is dependent on the rate of flow of electrical charges. Potential difference: (voltage) the potential difference between two points is the work done per unit charge between two points. Resistant: This is the resistance to the flow of the electrons around the circuit.
Circuits There are two types of circuits parallel and series.
Different types of symbols
AQA GCSE Science Physics - Generating Electricity.
Length of wire vs Volts, Current and Resistance Length of wire Volts (Volts)Current (amps)Resistance (ohms)
Length vs Volts and Current
External Links Use these links to find out more ce/add_aqa/electricity/ ce/add_aqa/electricity/ RRoNWI RRoNWI city city
Summary The summary of this PowerPoint is that electricity does not like to be restricted as showed by the resistance table and the video on slide 5. So the overall Idea is that the thicker the wire the less resistance there will be in the wire so that there will be a greater flow of electricity.