1 60W 100W a.60W b.100W What is Electricity- The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2 Pg. 8 Lesson: Bell Ringer: Which out of the two bulbs is brighter? Fact of the Day: The A healthy (non-colorblind) human eye can distinguish between 500 shades of gray. A: Rainbows Joke of The Day: What do clouds wear in their hair? Agenda 1. Bell Ringer What is Electrostatics PART 2: -Notes on circuits and -Notes on circuits and parts of circuit parts of circuit BM A.1-Explain knowledge by using specific terms using specific terms -Cartoon reading -Cartoon reading BM A.1-Explain knowledge by using specific terms using specific terms - Readings on - Readings on electrical current, electrical current, current flow, and current flow, and schematics schematics drawings drawings BM A.1-Explain knowledge by BM A.1-Explain knowledge by using specific terms using specific terms 2. Review of the Lesson
The Electrical Potential Energy is increased by the pump. To create this potential energy we need an external source. Pump Examples of external sources: Dry Cell- Convert Chemical to electrical Solar Cell- Convert Light energy to electrical Generator- Driven by moving water or wind to create to electrical energy This closed loop is called an electrical circuit Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 20 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century?
Electrical Circuits include the following: 1.Charge pump (Battery) 2. Path for electrons 3. Completed Path The waterfall energy is converted to electrical energy by the generator. The generator increases the potential difference: V Waterfall Water Wheel Generator Motor Conductor B Conductor A At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 21
If an electric circuit could be compared to a water in a fountain, then the current would be analogous to the ___________. Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 21 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? water CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 22 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
DRAWING OUT BASIC CIRCUITS Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 23 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
RESISTANCE IN A CIRCUIT Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 23 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? factors x x CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
CARTOON READING Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 24 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 25 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 26 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 27 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 28 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 29 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 30 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 31 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 32 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 33 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? Answer questions CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Voltage is an “electric pressure that can produce a flow of charge, or current within a conductor. When the ends of an electrical conductor are at different electric potentials, charge flows from one end to the other. Charge flow when there are potential difference, or difference in potential (voltage), between the ends of the conductor. The flow of charge will continue until both ends reach a common potential. When there is no difference in potential, there is no longer a flow of charge through the conductor. To attain a sustained flow of charge in a conductor, some arrangement much be provided to keep one end at a higher potential than the other. 1. Charge of flows when there is a _________________ between the ends of a conductor. 2. Explain how the sustained flow of charge is analogous to the flow of water from a higher reservoir to a lower one, as show in the illustration below. ELECTRIC CURRENT FLOW OF CHARGE READING ELECTRIC CURRENT FLOW OF CHARGE QUESTIONS Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 34 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
In schematic diagram, resistance is shown by zigzag line, and ideal resistance=free wires are shown with solid straight lines. A battery is represented with a set of short and long parallels. Electric circuits are frequently described by simple diagrams, called schematic diagrams, using special symbols to represent certain circuit elements. 1. What is a schematic diagram? ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______ 2. Describe how the positive and negative terminals of a battery are indicated on a schematic diagram. ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ __________. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM READING SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM QUESTIONS Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 35 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? CHAMPS Conversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Circuit Element 3. ___________ Resistance 4. ___________ Connecting wire 5. ___________ Battery 6. ___________ Open switch Symbol a.zig zag line b. broken line with one end tilted up at an angle c. set short and long parallel lines d. solid straight line SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM READING SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM QUESTIONS Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 36 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? CHAMPS Conversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
REVIEW OF LESSON: ELECTRICITY PART 2 1. Draw out the electrical schematic diagram below of the following picture using the symbols. Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 38 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? CHAMPSConversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
REVIEW OF LESSON: ELECTRICITY PART 2 2. List some facts that affect the resistance of a circuit? ___________________________________________________ 3. State one characteristic that needs to exist to have a complete circuit?_____________________________________________ _____ Lesson: The Basics of a Circuit: PART 2- Page 39 At the end of the lesson I should be able to: define an electrical circuit and the variables associated with a circuit. Statement of Inquiry : Scientists study systems, their interactions with other systems, and their transformations to create scientific innovation which reduce risk. Factual Inquiry Question: What is an electron? Conceptual Inquiry Question: How is a electricity a form of energy? Debatable Question: What is the best way to create electricity in the 21st Century? CHAMPS Conversation: Talking 1-4 Talking Help: How do I get help? X Ask Teacher X Discuss With Neighbor Activity: What is the end result? Completion of Activities on pgs Movement: Can I get up? YES X NO Participation: What does this look like? -Completed Notes -Being Involved In Class Discussions with other students and teacher
Exit Slip: page What is amperage in an electrical circuit compared to in a water circuit analogy? a) water pump b) flow of water through pipe c) pump pressure d) pipe water is flowing through Ohm’s Law Agenda 1. Bell Ringer What is Electrostatics PART 2: -Notes on circuits and -Notes on circuits and parts of circuit parts of circuit BM A.1-Explain knowledge by using specific terms using specific terms -Cartoon reading -Cartoon reading BM A.1-Explain knowledge by using specific terms using specific terms - Readings on - Readings on electrical current, electrical current, current flow, and current flow, and schematics schematics drawings drawings BM A.1-Explain knowledge by BM A.1-Explain knowledge by using specific terms using specific terms 2. Review of the Lesson