ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA1 M.R Shoja MD Shahid Sadoughi Medical Science Yazd. Iran
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA3 GLAUCOMA Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world. In 2000 there were an estimated 66.8 million people with glaucoma, 6.7 million of whom had bilateral blindness secondary to glaucoma. Glaucoma has been definded as a progresssive optic neuropathy
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA4 Glaucoma classification Closed angle : - Primary - secondary Open angle : - Primary - Secondary
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA5 Acute angle closure glaucoma - Rapid increase in pressure of eye - In Asia is more common times more common in women than men - Much higher in hyperopic eyes
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA7 Precipitating factors 1-Mydriasis Darkness Medications Emotional upset - 2- Extreme Miosis - 3- Prone position
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA8 Dramatic symptoms Severe eye pain nausea and vomiting Headache Blurred vision Haloes around light Profuse tearing Fix mid-dilated pupil
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA10 Exams & Tests Gonioscopy Tonometry Biomicroscopy Ophthalmoscopy Perimetry
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA11 Treatment B-adrenergic antagonist Timolol -adrenergic agonist : Apraclonidine Acetazolamid Trusopt Hyper osmotic agent Laser iriditomy PI Surgical iridectomy
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA13 Congenital glaucoma 1. Primary 2. Secondary ( Sturg-weber )
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA14 Primary congenital (Infantile glaucoma) 60% are diagnosed by 6 months 80% within first year 65% are male Bilateral in 70% cases Incidence being 1 in births
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA15 Eye exam Buphthalmos Corneal enlargement > 13mm Corneal edema Glaucomatous cupping
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA16 Symptoms Epiphora Photophobia Blepharospasm
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA17 Differential diagnosis Birth trauma Obstruction of lacrimal system Congenital syphilis, rubella Mucopolysaccahridoses CHED
ACUTE GLAUCOMAM.R.SHOJA18 Treatment Surgical 1. Goniotomy 2. Trabeculotomy