Using Forages for Feeding Sheep Joyce E. Meader Extension Educator University of Connecticut
The Matching Game What is your forage quality? What are your animal needs? DO THEY MATCH?? (What supplements do you still need?)
Spring Lambing on Pasture When is the highest energy forage? –Vegetative Pasture (2-9”) Who has the highest energy needs/ when? –Ewe-lamb mothers nursing triplets A PERFECT MATCH! 72% TDN and 18% Crude Protein
Pasture Needed 1 ewe unit = 1 ewe plus 1.6 lambs Grazing orchardgrass for 7 day grazing period* Spring regrowth, ¼ acre per “1 ewe unit” Summer regrowth, ¾ acre per “1 ewe nit” *assumes 50% utilized, 50% wasted
Last 4 Weeks of Gestation & Early Lactation Ewes, 150 lbs Pasture, veg or Haylage, veg + no grain (If over 66%TDN,18% C. Protein) Mature Hay need: 3 lbs grain(24%protein) (50% TDN, 8% C.Protein) Corn Silage + 1 lbs grain(40%protein) (70% TDN, 8% C. Protein)
Ewes - Maintenance Ration Grass, headed (58% TDN, 10% C.Protein) No grain mix needed, but feed free choice: 50% TM Salt and 50% Dicalcium Phosphate Water, most critical feed ingredient.
Lambs - Finishing Need Weight Gain/ Day TDN Protein lbs0.5582% 17% (Need creep feed) lbs0.5572% 11% Pasture, CS w/ protein, Hay w/ grain