Feed requirements of livestock Dairy, Beef, Sheep and Deer
Working Out How Much to Feed Livestock For optimum production of meat, wool and milk farmers need to ensure they: are feeding their animals properly and know how much feed they have at various times of the year.
Grazing animals require: Maintenance - a minimum amount of feed each day to maintain their body weight. Production - additional feed for growth, milk, wool growth.
Minimum daily pasture requirements sheep MaintenanceProduction Lambs - 0.8kg DM1.2 kg DM (100g daily gain) Ewes0.9 kg DM2.5 kg DM (lactation) Ewes1.3 kg DM (Late pregnancy)
Recommended Minimum Pasture Length and Feed Intakes PasturePastureFeed Intake Length (cm)DM (kg/ha)(kg DM/day) Length (cm)DM (kg/ha)(kg DM/day) Ewes Pre-lamb With lambs Post weaning (maintenance) Lambs Weaned
Daily Feed Requirements (DM/day) AnimalMaintenanceGrowthGestationLactation Dairy cattle 6 Heifers BeefCattle Sheep1 Lambs – Red Deer