BSE/TSE measures – state of play and future work Plenary of the Advisory Group on the Food Chain, Animal and Plant Health 19 December 2008
TSE Road map No change of the policy or strategy (eradicate TSE and protect consumers) Reflection paper on future amendments of the TSE measures Each topic will be part of a separate discussion and draft proposal
TSE Road map Different topics are covered : 1.SRM 2.Feed ban 3.Monitoring programmes ( bovines and small ruminants) 4.Categorisation of countries ( July 2007) 5.Review of TSEs measures in small ruminants 6.Review of culling measures in bovines 7.UK restrictions
Number of BSE cases detected in the EU since 2001
SRM Increase of the age limit for the removal of the vertebral column as SRM from 12 to 24 months (Regulation (EC) No 1974/2005). Increase of the age limit for the removal of the vertebral column as SRM from 24 to 30 months (Regulation (EC) No 357/2008).
CWD Monitoring programmes in cervids Decision 2007/182/CE: survey in cervids
Feed ban Fish meal for young ruminants (Regulation (EC) No 956/2008) Unavoidable environmental contamination of crops of plant origin: in the process of adoption
Monitoring programmes in bovine animals Review of the BSE monitoring programme for bovine animals under certain strict conditions (feed ban/full testing) Decision 2008/908/EC: Increase of the age limit for testing of bovine animals from 30 to 48 months Limited to EU 15 Member States ( strict conditions)
TSE monitoring programme in small ruminants Regulation (EC) 727/2007 amending Annex III: TSE surveillance in sheep and goats
TSE eradication measures in small ruminants Regulation (EC) 727/2007 amending Annex VII: TSE eradication measures, harmonised conditions for breeding programmes Prohibition to use milk from infected flocks/herds for the feeding of ruminants Affected by Court case
Categorisation of countries according their BSE risk Regulation (EC) 722/2007: criteria for categorisation of countries in three categories - Negligible BSE risk - Controlled BSE risk - Undetermined BSE risk Decision 2007/453/EC last amended: Decision 2008/829/EC
Cohort slaughter Decision 2007/667/EC: possibility to refer the culling of bovine animals to the end of the productive live
Future work Feed ban Eradication measures in sheep and goats Specified risk material
Conclusion No change of the policy or strategy (eradicate TSE and protect consumers) Favourable epidemiological situation but not complacency Solid risk management decisions based on scientific opinions and the availability of the necessary control tools to verify compliance.