Hot SAT Words Lessons 21-30
LESSON # 25 Is anybody there? Is anything there? Words Relating to Being Sneaky or Hardly Noticeable
Secret Cluster Clandestine Surreptitiously Stealthy Covert Furtive
CLANDESTINE Secret Hidden Concealed (adj.)
CLANDESTINE During the party, Gia and Jason stole away into the woods for a CLANDESTINE rendezvous. It was important to keep the operation CLANDESTINE to protect our undercover agents.
COVERT, adj. Secret Hidden Undercover
COVERT The administration’s COVERT plan to overthrow the revel leader failed because top secret government documents fell into the wrong hands. Under the cover of darkness, the workers slipped COVERTLY over the border.
FURTIVE, adj. In a hidden or secret manner
FURTIVE Jane and Henry didn’t know that I observed them exchanging FURIVE glances in biology class. Before Ben stole a FURTIVE glance at Marge’s answer sheet, he made sure no one was looking.
INCONSPICUOUS Adj. hardly noticeable
INCONSPICUOUS The birthmark on Lilly’s cheek was noticeable at birth, but as she grew older it became more and more INCONSPICUOUS.
SLY Adj. Underhanded; furtive
SLY Using a SLY line of questions, Ben tricked the witness into revealing the true story. All summer, Jojo played pool on the SLY. In September no one realized how skillful he’d become.
STEALTHY, adj. --secret --hidden --hard to detect
STEALTHY The airplane known as the STEALTH bomber lives up to its name by eluding radar detection.
SURREPTITIOUS Adj. done or made in a secret, stealthy way
SURREPTITIOUS During the test, Damian SURREPTITIOUSLY studied the answer sheet he had taped to his hand. Using SURREPTITIOUS methods, the terrorists planted the bomb in the railway station.
UNOBSTRUSIVE Adj. inconspicuous; not easily noticed
UNOBTRUSIVE There was nothing UNOBTRUSIVE about Tina’s earrings; they were the size of golf balls. The table stood UNOBTRUSIVELY in a corner for years until Aunt Rhoda noticed that it was a valuable antique.