insensitive, thick-skinned callous
concrete, palpable tangible
stinging, bitter acrid
remorse, regret compunction
subdue, crush quell
majestic, stately august
secret, covert, stealthy clandestine
permanent, unforgettable indelible
lenient, permissive indulgent
overjoyed, jubilant elated
nighttime nocturnal
unspoken, unexpressed tacit
not to the point irrelevant
inactive, still quiescent
cliché, commonplace platitude
forceful, effective trenchant
meditate, ponder ruminate
renounce, shun, abstain from abjure
habitual, long-standing inveterate
stinging, bitter acrid
holocaust, wildfire conflagration
insensitive, thick-skinned callous
remorse, regret compunction
subdue, crush quell
secret, covert, stealthy clandestine
majestic, stately august
concrete, palpable tangible
permanent, unforgettable indelible
not to the point irrelevant
overjoyed, jubilant elated
lenient, permissive indulgent
nighttime nocturnal
unspoken, unexpressed tacit
inactive, still quiescent
forceful, effective trenchant
cliché, commonplace platitude
holocaust, wildfire conflagration
meditate, ponder ruminate
habitual, long-standing inveterate
renounce, shun, abstain from abjure
insensitive, thick-skinned callous
concrete, palpable tangible
stinging, bitter acrid
remorse, regret compunction
subdue, crush quell
majestic, stately august
secret, covert, stealthy clandestine
permanent, unforgettable indelible
lenient, permissive indulgent
overjoyed, jubilant elated
nighttime nocturnal
unspoken, unexpressed tacit
not to the point irrelevant
inactive, still quiescent
cliché, commonplace platitude
forceful, effective trenchant
meditate, ponder ruminate
renounce, shun, abstain from abjure
habitual, long-standing inveterate
stinging, bitter acrid
holocaust, wildfire conflagration
insensitive, thick-skinned callous
remorse, regret compunction
subdue, crush quell
secret, covert, stealthy clandestine
majestic, stately august
concrete, palpable tangible
permanent, unforgettable indelible
not to the point irrelevant
overjoyed, jubilant elated
lenient, permissive indulgent
nighttime nocturnal
unspoken, unexpressed tacit
inactive, still quiescent
forceful, effective trenchant
cliché, commonplace platitude
holocaust, wildfire conflagration
meditate, ponder ruminate
habitual, long-standing inveterate
renounce, shun, abstain from abjure