AVS: CHAPTER 11 WORDS: clandestine indigenous contingency liability egocentric prolific exonerate reinstate incongruous superfluous
AVS: CH. 4 - MATCHING WORDS WITH DEFINITIONS: 1. liability Something that acts as a disadvantage; a drawback 2. clandestine Done in secret; kept hidden 3. Out of place; having parts that are not in harmony or that are inconsistent incongruous 4. A possible future event that must be prepared for or guarded against; possibililty contingency 5. living, growing, or produced naturally in a particular place; native indigenous 6. Beyond what is needed, wanted, or useful; extra superfluous 7. Producing many works, results, or offspring; fertile prolific 8. To clear of an accusation or charge; prove innocent exonerate 9. self-centered; seeing everything in terms of oneself egocentric 10. To restore to a previous position or condition; bring back into being or use reinstate avs-8