Objectives Purpose Definition Characteristics Tactics Preparation Threat Levels Threat Conditions Assessment Defense in Depth Security while Traveling
Establish and maintain unit ATFP programs that deter, detect, defend, mitigate and recover from the consequences of terrorist attacks via implementation of coherent baseline security measures. Defeat an attack by the activation of preplanned responses. Take required action to manage a crisis and maintain/regain mission readiness. Purpose
Terrorism The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious or ideological. Definition
Antiterrorism (AT) Defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts, to include limited response and containment by local military forces. Definition
Force Protection (FP) Security program designed to protect Service member, civilian employees, family members, facilities, and equipment, in all locations and situation, accomplished through planned and integrated application of combating terrorism, physical security, operations security, personal protective service, and supported by intelligence, counterintelligence, and other security programs. Definition
Physical Security That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel; to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material and documents; and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft.
Terrorist Ideology –Politics –Nationalism –Religion –Special Interest Goals –Recognition –Elimination of Western Influence –Harassment, Weakening or embarrassment of governments. –Attainment of money or equipment –Destruction of facilities and disruption of communications –Satisfying vengeance
Terrorist Characteristics Urban-Based: An urban environment offers access to transportation, money-laundering mechanisms, communications systems and international contacts who can provide required travel documentation. Highly mobile: Terrorists typically move frequently among cities and countries, not only to facilitate the planning and execution of operations, but also in search of safe havens and like-minded support
Terrorist Characteristics Well-Trained: In order to instill individual members with a strong desire for success, including a willingness to die for the cause, terrorist groups train and rehearse extensively. Emphasis is on physical conditioning, effective use of weapons and explosives, tactics and combat techniques, clandestine operations, psychological warfare and survival skills. Covert: Although some groups have overt political contingents, the operational cells of most terrorist groups can operate in covert postures for extended periods.
Assassination Arson Bombing Hostage taking Hijacking or Skyjacking Raids or attacks at facilities Kidnapping Seizure Weapons of mass destruction Sabotage Information Warfare Terrorist Tactics
Attack Preparations Target Options: Choosing a target typically starts with a self- assessment of the terrorist group’s capabilities, which will, in large part, define the methods of attack available to the group. Selection Surveillance: Data gathered from watching potential targets will help the terrorist group refine the list of choices. A potential target may be de-selected because surveillance data proves the choice to be too difficult to effectively attack. Target Selection: Once surveillance data results are assessed, terrorists are able to select their target or set of targets. The most likely targets are those that are vulnerable, undefended or with weak security.
Attack Preparations Detailed Surveillance: Terrorists often conduct further long-term, detailed surveillance of the chosen potential target(s), seeking to detect routines, procedures and site-specific security measures. Training and preparation: Once the terrorists’ plan of attack has been developed, the attack team will be chosen and trained. Attack: Terrorists wait for the right set of circumstances to attack, which can take months or even years.
Terrorist Threat Levels Low: No terrorist group is detected Moderate: Terrorist groups are present but there is no indication of anti-U.S. activity Significant: An anti-U.S. terrorist group is operationally active and their preferred method of operation is to attack personnel; or the terrorist group’s preferred method of operation is to execute large casualty. High: An anti-U.S. terrorist group is operationally active and uses large casualty producing attacks as their preferred method of operation.
Terrorist FP Conditions Normal Charlie Alpha Bravo Delta
Risk Assessment Operational Risk Management Criticality Assessment Vulnerability Assessment Planning Assessment Response Element Assessment Vulnerability Assessment Management Program
Defense in Depth Defense in depth is the central concept in the Navy’s strategy toward defending against terrorism. It involves a series of redundant measures, varying actions and multiple layers of defense. Defense in depth gains its strength from the layering of defenses that prevents the defeat of one antiterrorism measure from allowing a terrorist attack to succeed. This combination will present a more challenging target to potential terrorist and increase the probability of defeating an attack.
Defense in Depth Assessment Stand-Off Warning Threat
Defense in Depth Where do the threats come from? Airborne Landside Subsurface Seaward
Security while Traveling Airport Terminals Hotels All the time Bomb incidents
Security at All Times Vary eating establishments. Alternate shopping locations. Do not establish any sort of pattern! Avoid crowded areas. Be especially alert exiting bars, restaurants, etc. Know how to use the local phone system and carry “telephone change”. Know emergency phone numbers for police, ambulance, and hospital. Know location of the US Embassy and other safe locations where you can find refuge or assistance.
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