WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO Potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial Solanum tuberosum of the Solanaceae family (also known as the nightshades).SolanumSolanaceae Potatoes were first introduced outside the Andes region four centuries ago, and have become an integral part of much of the world's cuisine. World's fourth-largest food crop, following rice, wheat and maize. NEXTPREVIOUSEND
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Weed flora of the experimental field predominantly consisted of five broad-leaved weed species and one grass weed species. The weeds present in the experimental field were Spergula arvensis, Polygonum nepalense, Raphanus raphanistrum, Bidens pilosa, Galinsoga parviflora under broad leaved weeds and grasses weed was Pennisetum clandestine. Broad leaved dominated the weed flora which accounts for about per cent followed by grasses.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Spercula arvensis A common weed in potato field and also called as corn spurrey, belongs to the family Caryophyllaceae. It is annual seed-propagated weed. Cotyledons are very slender, linearly needle-shaped, standing diagonally upward. Foliage leaves are linearly awl-shaped, 2-3 cm long, sticky haired, in whorled tufts. Stems are erect or ascending in groups or prostrate, jointly articulated, up to 40 cm high or long. Number of seeds per plant are from ,000.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Boll is wide ovate, opens with 5 folds or does not open. Seeds are small,1-1.8 mm in diameter, black, with narrow brownish margin. Germination period is spring, seed germination depth is cm. Flowering period is summer-autumn. Number of seeds per plant are from ,000. It is widely spread in Western Europe, Northern Africa, Northern America, China, India and Japan. Infests all crops, occurs in kitchen gardens, fallow lands, along roadways, near habitation. Weed is stable under average agriculture conditions only.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Polygonum nepalense (Nepalese smartweed) is a annual belongs to the family polygonaceae. Polygonum nepalense can grow in semi or areas with no shade. Polygonum nepalense Usually common in damp shaded situations, m in Srinagar. Stems decumbent or ascending, cm tall. Lower leaves petiolate; petiole 2-3 cm, winged, leaf blade ovate or triangular. Capitate type inflorescence,peduncle long, glandular hairy; margin membranous. Pedicels shorter than bracts.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Fruiting type is achenes. Tender young leaves are short - raw or cooked as a vegetable. A paste of the root is used as a poultice on fresh wounds Germination is usually free and easy. A juice of the root is used in the treatment of fevers. The squeezed plant is used for washing clothes.Plants used directly as a soap substitute.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Raphanus raphanistrum is a annual belongs to the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual and biennial, leaves are alternate. Very often pinnately incised and do not have stipules. Raphanus raphanistrum They have four free saccate sepals and four clawed free petals, staggered,six stamens, four of which are longer (as long as the petals, so relatively short in fact) and are arranged in a cross like the petals and the other two are shorter (tetradynamous flower).
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND The pistil is made up of two fused carpels and the style is very short, with two lobes. Superior ovary. Racemose type of inflorescences, often apically corymb-like.carpelsRacemose Pollination occurs by entomogamy, nectar is produced at the base of the stamens and stored on the sepals.entomogamy
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Bidens pilosa (Cobbler’s pegs) It is a annual herb belongs to the family Asteraceae (Compositae) commonly known as Spanish Needle. This plant is considered a weed in some tropical habitats. However, in some parts of the world it is a source of food or medicine. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, the tender shoots and young leaves are used fresh or dried as a leaf vegetable, particularly in times of scarcity weak annual herb usually a metre or less in height, with spreading branches
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Each head has five or so white ‘petals’ (rays) around a dense cluster of orange florets. These rapidly mature to star-heads of the dry pronged fruitlets. Leaves are in opposite paris, this, soft and hairy, mostly divided but also undivided. The flowers (summer-autumn), technically heads of tiny flowers, terminate all branches and branchlets.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO NEXTPREVIOUSEND Cardamine impatiens It is a slender, biennial herb produces sterile leaves. Cardamine impatiens belonging to Brassicaceae.
Leaves are pinnate with several pairs of lanceolate. The seeds are arranged in one row on each side of the central membrane of the narrow pod and are ejected out in a shower due to the tension formed as the seed pod (silique) dries.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN POTATO PREVIOUS The fruit is a peculiar kind of capsule named siliqua. Most members share a suite of glucosinolate compounds that has a typical pungent odour usually associated with cole crops The siliqua may break apart at constrictions occurring between the segments of the seeds. Where a siliqua is less than three times as long as it is broad, it is usually termed a silicula