Citizen Corps Citizen Corps Areas of Emphasis: Crime Natural disasters Terrorism
Unit Objectives Define terrorism Identify potential targets in the community Identify operating procedures for a terrorist incident Describe the actions to take following a suspected terrorist incident
What Is Terrorism? Premeditated, politically motivated violence that is perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents and is usually intended to influence an audience --U.S. State Department
Who is the terrorist? 1.Psychological View- majority of terrorists suffer from a psychological deficit 2.Socialization View- these terrorists have been raised to hate their opponents 3.Ideological View- terrorists hold extreme ideological beliefs that prompt their behavior 4.Alienation View- these terrorists may be motivated b the feelings of alienation
Terrorist Goals Fear Recognition Harass, weaken, or embarrass the government Money and equipment Destroy facilities or disrupt lines of communication
Types of Terrorism State Sponsored Terrorism Religious Terrorism Right Wing Terrorism Left Wing Terrorism
Types of Terrorism Pathological Terrorism Issue Oriented Terrorism Separatist or Nationalist Terrorism Narco-Terrorism
Types of terrorism Revolutionary Terrorism Retributive Terrorism Cult Terrorism Criminal Terrorism
Terrorist Weapons B iological N uclear I ncendiary C hemical E xplosive
Types of Biological Weapons Bacteria Rickettsia Viruses Toxins Fungi
Nuclear Weapons Much different than conventional weapons: Many casualties Very large area affected Long-term health effects Considered relatively low risk
Radiation Dispersal Devices Conventional explosive with radioactive element Radiological materials are readily available Considered moderate to high risk
Incendiary Devices Used to initiate combustion Easy to make Easy to use Considered high risk/low impact
Types of Incendiary Devices Accelerant Arson Flamethrower Fuel-air explosive Greek fire Molotov cocktail
Chemical Agents Are the toxic component of a chemical weapon Chemical agents are categorized based off their mode of transmission Onset of symptoms from immediate to 18 hours Considered moderate risk
Chemical Agent Categories Choking Agents Blister Agents Blood Agents Nerve agents Riot Control Agents Potential CW Agents Psychotomimetic Agents Toxins
Conventional Explosives Terrorists “weapons of choice” Can be: Military munitions Improvised explosive devices Considered high risk
Preparing for Terrorism Assemble a disaster supply kit. Identify a safe room and meeting place outside of the home or workplace. Develop a family or business communication plan. Learn shelter-in-place procedures.
Shelter-in-Place Procedures Shut off ventilation system. Go to safe room with disaster supply kit. Duct tape plastic sheeting over openings where outside air can come in. Seal with duct tape other areas where air can come in. Listen to battery-powered radio for all clear.
What to Do if Exposed 1.Take action immediately 2.Leave the area immediately 3.Follow basic decontamination procedures 4. Report for decontamination
Basic Decontamination Procedures Leave the contaminated area Take decontamination action Remove everything Wash hands before using them to shower Shower or flush with cool water Blot dry
Terrorism in the Courts Category 1 Category 2
PowerPoint Sources handofreason.com/2011/featured/types-of-terrorism