Focus Interact with the events that shaped the United States. Increase Critical Thinking Skills Prepare for the STAAR test Themes in US History History Geography Economics Government Citizenship Culture Science, Technology & Society Social Studies Skills
Classroom Goals You are responsible for your learning! Be Successful Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Positive Be a Leader
Supplies 1 Plastic Pocket Folder 1 Composition Book Pen/Pencil * Highlighter * Map Pencils * Glue Sticks * Scissors * * these items can be kept with the student. Each student is responsible for having the following supplies for class.
Absent Work When you are absent it is your responsibility to come and pick up your work. If you missed an exam or quiz, you need to make arrangements with me to make it up. It should be made up within 1-2 days. If you had prior knowledge of the exam it needs to be made up the day you return back to school.
Grades Daily Work- 70% Evaluations- 30% (tests, projects, and presentations)
Grades Daily Work- This will include assignments that are completed in class and for homework. Vocabulary quizzes- words are given on Monday, the quiz will be given on Thursday. Content Quizzes- students will have quizzes over the content covered in class for the week. This will usually be given on Friday. There will be no retakes or corrections for vocabulary and content quizzes. Evaluations- Exams- these will be given after a unit of study is complete. Projects Presentations
Retest Policy Students failing an exam will have the opportunity to retest to earn a maximum grade of 70. Students will have one week to retest once the graded exam is returned. Cheating – Results in a Zero. No retesting is offered on Semester Exams.
Bonus Bucks Reward earned for participation in class. Each buck is worth 5 extra points. It can be added to any assignment during the six weeks. Only 2 bucks can be added to an individual assignment. They cannot be used on semester exams.
Classroom Reminders When you come into class pick up your needed materials from the shelves and be seated. Keep up with your composition book. You will need it to study and complete work. Vocabulary Quizzes- Word list goes out on Monday. The quiz will be on Thursday. Use quizlet as a study tool. Content quizzes will be given each week to access student comprehension of material. Exams will be given when unit material has been covered. Students will know in advance of the Evaluation. Check the paper return bin and put your papers in your folder. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Come prepared to actively learn and participate in class.
You are Responsible for your education! What you do TODAY will affect your TOMMOROW!
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best. St. Jerome’s quote as used by: Tim Duncan Professional Basketball Player