Ms. Glorioso’s Classroom Procedures “How do I...”
Homeroom / Use a soft speaking voice until announcements / Stay in assigned seat / Ask permission to move / SILENCE during announcements!! / Wait to be dismissed by Ms. G / Use a soft speaking voice until announcements / Stay in assigned seat / Ask permission to move / SILENCE during announcements!! / Wait to be dismissed by Ms. G
Entering Class / Enter quietly / Get materials listed on board / Sit in your assigned seat / Copy homework in your planner / Begin Warm Up - silently! / Enter quietly / Get materials listed on board / Sit in your assigned seat / Copy homework in your planner / Begin Warm Up - silently!
Entering Class Late / Enter silently / Put late pass in the “Notes” box on Ms. G’s desk / Get materials, go to seat / Raise hand for help if necessary ‘ / DO NOT ask a neighbor to tell you what we are doing! / Enter silently / Put late pass in the “Notes” box on Ms. G’s desk / Get materials, go to seat / Raise hand for help if necessary ‘ / DO NOT ask a neighbor to tell you what we are doing!
Teacher Wants Attention / When Ms. G holds up a peace sign / Students are silent / Face the teacher / Raise hands to speak / When Ms. G holds up a peace sign / Students are silent / Face the teacher / Raise hands to speak
Help/Questions / Raise hand / Wait for Ms. G to acknowledge or approach you / KEEP WORKING until Ms. G can help/answer the question / Raise hand / Wait for Ms. G to acknowledge or approach you / KEEP WORKING until Ms. G can help/answer the question
Sharpening Pencils / You should ALWAYS have pencils in your binder, but: / Raise hand for permission (NOT while Ms. G is talking) / Walk directly to and from sharpener silently / You should ALWAYS have pencils in your binder, but: / Raise hand for permission (NOT while Ms. G is talking) / Walk directly to and from sharpener silently
Getting a Tissue / Raise hand for permission (Only during instruction for emergencies) / Walk directly to tissue box silently, take as many as needed / Return to your seat / Keep tissue with you until class is over / Raise hand for permission (Only during instruction for emergencies) / Walk directly to tissue box silently, take as many as needed / Return to your seat / Keep tissue with you until class is over
Throwing Away Trash / Never throw away trash during class / Wait until clean up time at the end of class / This isn’t the time to practice for basketball! / Never throw away trash during class / Wait until clean up time at the end of class / This isn’t the time to practice for basketball!
Bathroom or Drink Break / You may not leave class during the first or last 15 minutes of class / Raise hand for permission (NOT while Ms. G is talking) / Fill out planner completely / Have teacher sign planner / You may not leave class during the first or last 15 minutes of class / Raise hand for permission (NOT while Ms. G is talking) / Fill out planner completely / Have teacher sign planner
Bathroom or Drink Break / Fill out the sign out sheet completely / Take hall pass AND planner /... / Fill in sign out sheet when you return / Hang hall pass / Return to seat silently / Fill out the sign out sheet completely / Take hall pass AND planner /... / Fill in sign out sheet when you return / Hang hall pass / Return to seat silently
Passing Out Papers / Students are silent / Ms. G hands papers out from the center aisle / Take on paper, pass along / Students are silent / Ms. G hands papers out from the center aisle / Take on paper, pass along
Heading Your Paper / All papers must have the correct heading or WILL NOT be collected! Binder Section First & Last Name Block ___ Date
Collecting Papers / Students are silent / Pass papers to the person sitting on the aisle / Ms. G will collect papers from the center aisle / Students are silent / Pass papers to the person sitting on the aisle / Ms. G will collect papers from the center aisle
Turning In Papers / Only when Ms. G tells you to turn in something / Walk silently to your block’s “IN” bin / Place paper or test UPSIDE DOWN in bin / Return to seat silently / Work on next activity / Only when Ms. G tells you to turn in something / Walk silently to your block’s “IN” bin / Place paper or test UPSIDE DOWN in bin / Return to seat silently / Work on next activity
Returning Papers / Ms. G returns graded papers individually / Students are silent / Students wait for Ms. G to tell them where to put the paper in their binder / Ms. G returns graded papers individually / Students are silent / Students wait for Ms. G to tell them where to put the paper in their binder
Finished Early / Complete a Word Wall activity / Read an SSR book / You MAY NOT work on something for another class / You MAY NOT chat, doodle, etc / Read or complete LA work at all times! / Complete a Word Wall activity / Read an SSR book / You MAY NOT work on something for another class / You MAY NOT chat, doodle, etc / Read or complete LA work at all times!
Switching Activities / Ms. G will give directions / Students are silent / Students follow ALL directions / Students are ready to begin new activity in 15 seconds... Or less! / Ms. G will give directions / Students are silent / Students follow ALL directions / Students are ready to begin new activity in 15 seconds... Or less!
Forgot Materials / Ask a classmate only BEFORE class starts / Borrow materials from counter, if available / Ask Ms. G if necessary (note class consequences) / Ask a classmate only BEFORE class starts / Borrow materials from counter, if available / Ask Ms. G if necessary (note class consequences)
Clean Up / Put materials away neatly and silently / Return to your assigned seat / Pack up materials you are taking with you / Sit silently until dismissal by Ms. G / Put materials away neatly and silently / Return to your assigned seat / Pack up materials you are taking with you / Sit silently until dismissal by Ms. G
Exiting Class / Remain seated and silent / Ms. G will dismiss you / Push chair under your desk all the way / WALK quietly from the room to your next Block / Remain seated and silent / Ms. G will dismiss you / Push chair under your desk all the way / WALK quietly from the room to your next Block
Absent / Ms. G will not MAKE you get materials / YOU are responsible for missed work! / Come in during homeroom, before or after class and check the Absentees binder for your make up work folder / Ask Ms. G if you are confused / Make up work at home / Ms. G will not MAKE you get materials / YOU are responsible for missed work! / Come in during homeroom, before or after class and check the Absentees binder for your make up work folder / Ask Ms. G if you are confused / Make up work at home
Lost Papers / No papers should be lost if you keep your binder appropriately / If you still lose one: / Check the “Extra Handouts” bin / If none are there, borrow a friends handout and copy the information / Extra handouts will NOT be made for you! / No papers should be lost if you keep your binder appropriately / If you still lose one: / Check the “Extra Handouts” bin / If none are there, borrow a friends handout and copy the information / Extra handouts will NOT be made for you!
Classroom Library / Books can only be taken from Ms. G’s room when you: / Fill out your information and the book information on the sign out sheet / Show it to Ms. G and have her sign it / Return book to Ms. G in the same condition you took it / Books can only be taken from Ms. G’s room when you: / Fill out your information and the book information on the sign out sheet / Show it to Ms. G and have her sign it / Return book to Ms. G in the same condition you took it
Walking as a Class / Students are silent / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file in front of door / Walk down hallway keeping hands to yourself / Students are silent / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file in front of door / Walk down hallway keeping hands to yourself
Fire Drill - Exit / Immediately get silent / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file in front of door / Wait for Ms. G’s directions, walk outside in line following Ms. G / Line up single file on grass / Face building / Listen for role. Respond when called! / Immediately get silent / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file in front of door / Wait for Ms. G’s directions, walk outside in line following Ms. G / Line up single file on grass / Face building / Listen for role. Respond when called!
Fire Drill - Return / Students are silent at all times / Walk back towards room single file when Ms. G tells you to / Line up outside room by lockers / Enter room when instructed / Return silently to your seat / Be ready to resume work / Students are silent at all times / Walk back towards room single file when Ms. G tells you to / Line up outside room by lockers / Enter room when instructed / Return silently to your seat / Be ready to resume work
Civil Defense Drill / Students are silent at all times / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file in front of door / Line up along lockers, facing lockers / Place hands behind neck / Return silently to seat when instructed / Be ready to resume work / Students are silent at all times / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file in front of door / Line up along lockers, facing lockers / Place hands behind neck / Return silently to seat when instructed / Be ready to resume work
Code Red Drill / Students are silent at all times / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file along the wall between the two doors / Return silently to seat when instructed / Be ready to resume work / Students are silent at all times / Stand, push in chairs / Line up single file along the wall between the two doors / Return silently to seat when instructed / Be ready to resume work
Dismissal at the End of the Day / Remain seated and silent / Turn chair upside down on desk when instructed / Stand behind desk / Ms. G will dismiss you / WALK quietly from the room / Remain seated and silent / Turn chair upside down on desk when instructed / Stand behind desk / Ms. G will dismiss you / WALK quietly from the room