School in France and the United States
Type of Schools ● USA (France) ○ Preschool (école maternelle) Ages 3-4 ○ Elementary School (école primaire) Ages 5-11, Grades K-6 ○ Middle School (collège) Ages 12-13, Grades 7-8 ○ High School (lycée) Ages 14-18, Grades 9-12 ○ College (la fac) Ages 18+
Grade Levels in France vs. USA
Wilson Middle School ● Grades ○ 7 th grade ○ 8 th grade
Class Times In the USA, students go to class all day Monday-Friday. In France, students only have a half day on Wednesday. In the USA, there is a very long summer vacation, a one week vacation at Christmas, and a one week vacation at Easter.
Grades In the USA, students can receive these grades: A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F In France, students can receive a grade from 0-20.
In the Classroom FranceUSA Students wait outside the classroom until class starts X Students do not sit until the teacher gives permission X Students study from a textbook X Students are taught how to take notes in the same way X
Middle School Sports ● Softball ● Football ● Cross Country ● Track and Field ● Basketball ● Volleyball ● Wrestling
Middle School Activities ● School Yearbook ● Student Council ● Plays