Grade Levels Middle School: 6, 7, 8 grades Junior High School: 7, 8, 9 grades Senior High School: 10, 11, 12 grades
Students Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D
Indoor Facilities Plan APlan BPlan CPlan D 1 Gym with wall divider 2 Gyms 1 Multi-Purpose Room 2 Balconies in each gym Weight Room 1 Multi-Purpose Room Cardio Room 1 Multi-Purpose Room 1 Indoor Track with infield
Outdoor Facilities Plan APlan BPlan CPlan D 1 SB Field 2 SB Fields 1 Track (with infield) 1 Large Field 2 Large Fields 4 Tennis Courts8 Tennis Courts 1 Soccer Field
Additional Facilities Choose any two of the following: –1 swimming pool –1 dance studio –1 aerobics room –1 wrestling room –1 gymnastics room –1 classroom –1 wt. room –1 soccer field –1 indoor track –1 climbing wall
Community Facilities Choose any two of the following: –1 roller rink –1 bowling alley –1 archery range –1 golf range –1 ice rink –1 campground and wooded area
Philosophies You and the other members of your curriculum committee should discuss your philosophies of teaching p.e. and come to some consensus for your program Focus on: –Knowledge that is important –Values that you hold –Attitudes you promote
Program Objectives and Evaluations Go to andards.htm and look up standards List each of the three goals and standards: andards.htm 19 A,B,C; 20 A,B,C; 21 A,B that apply to your grade level Indicate how you will determine successful attainment of each learning standard
Program Objectives and Evaluations State Goal 19: Acquire movement skills and understand concepts needed to engage in health-enhancing physical activity. Learning Standard Class Activity/Evaluation 19. A.5. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in a self-selected individual sport, a team sport, creative movement and work-related activities. Written and skill tests will be used to assess students in each of the individual, team, and creative movement activities in the curriculum.
Scope and Sequence Scope: The content that is taught. Includes the depth and breadth of each content area. Decisions to make?
Sequence Sequence: The order in which the content is taught. This occurs at two levels:
Scope and Sequence You decide upon all the activities you will cover in the three years you have chosen For each activity list all the skills you want to cover over the three years Indicate what will be taught each year If you repeat an activity you must indicate at least two differences between one year and the next See example chart
Example Scope & Sequence Chart + = New Material, R = review Activity789 Basketball - Passing + (Chest, Bounce)+ (Overhead) R (Chest, Bounce) R (all) - Dribbling +RR - Shooting + (Jump Layup FT)RR - Team Offense+R - Team Defense+R - Rebounding+ - Officiating+ Ultimate Frisbee - Backhand Toss+R - Forehand Toss+R - Team Offense+ - Team Defense+ - Officiating+
Curriculum Plan 1 year outline of activities and facilities 36 weeks in 2 semesters Semester 1: August 20-December 21 Semester 2: January 7-May 3 On your chart indicate the unit, in parentheses the #of weeks, and an indoor or outdoor facility for each unit You must include a minimum of 1 fitness unit Be sure to include a variety of individual and team activities
Curriculum Plan WeekGrade 7Grade 8Grade 9 1 Soccer (4)- Field/½gym Fitness (2)- MP Rm. Softball (4) SB Field /½gym 2 3 Ultimate Frisbee (3)- Track Inf. 4
Group Sharing Briefly describe your school setting Show how you’re meeting state standards (refer to your chart) Present and discuss your Scope and Sequence Chart Present and discuss your Curriculum Plan Chart
Additional Considerations Covering the Curriculum –Covering content with no consideration for learning. Hidden Curriculum –Content that is unintentionally taught Busy, Happy, Good (Placek, 1983) –Keeping students active, having fun and behaving (but not learning)