1 Session #6 Final Discussion of Interview Analysis InterviewData2010.xls Is Everything Worth Understanding? Selecting an essential understanding for unit design.
2 Any complex unit of study will involve many targets: Knowledge Skills Attitudes Habits of Mind Understanding Which concept requires understanding? Is Everything Worth Understanding?
3 What is worthy of understanding? Establishing Curricular Priorities Worth being familiar with Important to know and do “Enduring” understanding Is Everything Worth Understanding?
4 The need to understand is heightened when something is counterintuitive. 2 x 3 = a larger number but ½ x ½ = a smaller number How can this be? Is Everything Worth Understanding?
6 Acceleration can decrease at the same time velocity increases. How is this possible? Is Everything Worth Understanding?
7 Material worth understanding: is enduring is at the heart of the discipline needs careful uncoverage is potentially engaging Do standards help us identify concepts worth understanding? Yes and No
8 Is Everything Worth Understanding? Material worth understanding: is enduring is at the heart of the discipline needs careful uncoverage is potentially engaging Do standards help us identify concepts worth understanding? Yes and No
9 Filters for selecting enduring understandings? Represent a big idea having enduring value beyond the classroom. Resides at the heart of the discipline (involves doing the subject). Requires uncoverage of abstract or counterintuitive ideas. Offers potential for engaging students. Enduring Understanding
10 - symbolizes achievement in several domains and is revealed through diverse performances and products. - is not immediate, not you get it or you don’t, but a matter of degree. - implies the ability to escape from a naïve or inexperienced point of view. - includes an ability to transfer the information to new contexts. Enduring Understanding
11 A Doorway to Understanding After we identify the enduring understandings what do we do next? Ask Questions! Organizing a unit around questions provides focus and direction. Questions demand more than a collection of activities.
12 A Doorway to Understanding How have planting, growing, and harvest seasons affected life in the United States over the years? How have children’s roles at harvest time changed? Do we still need to close schools for nearly three months in the summer? What key questions could frame a unit on apples?
13 A Doorway to Understanding How do geography and climate affect the growth of apples? Why is apple growing well suited to our region? What other regions support apple growing? Who was the real Johnny Appleseed, and were there others? Will an apple a day keep the doctor away? Compared to other foods, how good for you are apples? Can today’s apple farmers survive economically?
14 Weaknesses in a Conventional Unit Designs Read and analyze vignette 1 Will this unit lead to understanding. If not, what is wrong with the units design? Hands-on not minds on No clear priorities Participation in fun activities is the only goal Activity-oriented approach assumes learning by osmosis.
15 Weaknesses in a Conventional Unit Designs Read and analyze vignette 2 Will this unit lead to understanding. If not, what is wrong with the unit? Hurried march through the topic No consideration for understanding or application What information is most important? Coverage approach = teaching by mentioning it.
16 A Doorway to Understanding Whatever the questions are, by asking questions a unit becomes more coherent and the students’ role become appropriately intellectual. Important ideas must be questioned and verified if they are to be understood. By framing our teaching around questions and worthy performances we can overcome activity- based and coverage oriented instruction.
17 A Doorway to Understanding The best questions have another virtue. They allow us to judge our progress? For example: From our work so far, what do we know about the influence of apples on the economy of our region? Student’s answers tell us a lot about the effectiveness of our activities.
18 Will Any Old Questions Work? Start with a Jeopardy approach? View the textbook as a collection of Jeopardy answers. What are the questions for which the textbook provides those answers?
19 Will Any Old Questions Work? Ask questions that cannot be answered in one word or even one sentence. How do we know there enough (food, air, water, fuel) for everyone?
20 Will Any Old Questions Work? Can a machine be made to overcome gravity?
21 Will Any Old Questions Work? How close can you come to producing a perpetual motion machine?
22 Essential Questions… ……..go to the heart of the discipline. ……..recur naturally. ……..raise other important questions. ……..have no obvious right answer. ……..are deliberately framed to provoke and sustain student interest.
23 Essential Questions… are deliberately framed to provoke and sustain student interest. What are the chances of someone getting pregnant after one episode of unprotected sex?
24 Essential Questions – Concept Attainment Examine the following examples and non- examples to determine the common characteristics of Essential Questions. 1.How are “form” and “function” related in biology? 2.How many legs does a spider have? 3.How does an elephant use its trunk? 4.What is the original meaning of the term, technology (from its Greek root, “techne”)? 5.Who “wins” and who “loses” when technologies change?
25 Essential Questions – Quiz yourself Examine these six questions and tell whether or not each is an essential question.
26 Essential Questions – Quiz yourself
27 Essential Questions Questions not only focus learning… they make all subject knowledge possible. If students are to understand… they need to recreate some of the inquiry by which the knowledge was created. Wiggins and McTighe, p. 33. UbD, 1998 Nicholas Copernicus
28 Learning Standards
29 How do standards help? In what ways do science learning standards help us as teachers?
30 How do standards hurt? The Overload Problem 250 individual content standards and 3,968 benchmarks 3,968 x 30 minutes per benchmark = 59,520 hours 15,465 hours (9 school years) more than we now have The Goldilocks Problem The Ambiguity Problem
31 How do standards hurt? The Overload Problem 250 individual content standards and 3,968 benchmarks 3,968 x 30 minutes per benchmark = 59,520 hours 15,465 hours (9 school years) more than we now have The Goldilocks Problem – too big, too small, just right The Ambiguity Problem – too open to interpretation
32 How do standards hurt?
33 Working with the Standards Select a topic that you will be covering during the 3 rd advisory. Prioritize the concepts. Worth being familiar with Important to know and do “Enduring” understanding
34 What makes a good unit The most important ideas (those worth understanding) are clearly identified. Essential questions are asked and ideas are linked in logical ways. Students have clear performance targets— they know what they have to do to demonstrate their understanding. Both teacher and students know what evidence is required to demonstrate understanding.
35 Develop Your Own! Write three essential questions that require the enduring understand that you identified for your unit. You may work together. After 15 minutes you will report: the enduring understanding(s) for your unit three essential questions