The IHY continues the tradition of previous international years through synoptic observation of universal physical processes in the solar system. Historical Perspective TIME Size Scale Studied IPY-1 IPY-2 IGY IHY International Polar Year
Science Program “Expressions of Interest” –Over 1000, grouped into ~50 clusters, covering all areas of polar science Heliosphere Impact on Geospace –One of the core projects of the fourth International Polar Year program which will take place during March March Project (IPY ID# 63) –Run by a federation of 29 international research groups from which the ICESTAR and IHY communities will carry management responsibilty and will serve as the contact point towards the IPY Project Office. – – International Polar Year
Commemorate the 50 th anniversary of the International Geophysical Year Allowed scientists from different countries to participate in global observations Gathered unprecedented volume of geophysical data from around the World Launched first Earth artificial satellites and established the World Data Center International Heliophysical Year (IHY) Physics of the heliosphere International Polar Year (IPY) Studies of, and from, the Polar regions Interhemispheric Conjugacy Effects in Solar Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research Coordinated polar research in the fields of solar- terrestrial physics and aeronomy
The IPY planning chart
Lead EoI’s: ICESTAR/IHY Interhemispheric Conjugacy Effects in Solar Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research (SCAR) International Heliophysical Year (NASA UNBSS) and 27 other EoI’s from 22 countries Cluster#63 for IPY Heliosphere impact on geospace M. Candidi, IFSI/INAF Rome, Italy
Polar Aeronomy: 9 projects Solar-Terrestrial Physics: 13 projects 5 consortia maintaining instrument networks IPY core project 63: Heliosphere impact on geospace
Heliosphere impact on geospace Science: coupling of solar activity to Earth, effects: –Between the different atmospheric layers –Between the magnetosphere and ionosphere –Between the different hemispheres In addition –Development of Virtual Observatories –New instrumentation and technology ICESTAR ( ) Sponsored by SCAR –Project Office in Siena College (US) IHY ( ) Endorsed e.g. by COSPAR, IUGG, NASA, and UN –Project Office in NASA/GSFC (USA) –Coordinated Investigation Programmes
“A Brief Overview of the ICESTAR Program” I nterhemispheric C onjugacy E ffects in S olar- T errestrial and A eronomy R esearch
TAG-A: High-latitude auroral and ionospheric electrodynamics for quiet, moderate, and disturbed conditions in near-Earth space, and its regional differences and commonalities over the Arctic and Antarctic. TAG-B: Geomagnetic (interhemispheric) conjugacy between the magnetosphere and both the Northern and Southern polar ionospheres during geomagnetic storms and substorms. TAG-C: Coupling between the polar ionosphere and neutral atmosphere from the ‘bottom-to-top’ and the global electric circuit. TAG-D: Virtual Arctic and Antarctic Geospace Observatories Network – a World Wide Web portal for the ICESTAR programme and SCAR’s SSG/PS. New - TAG-E: New Space Weather Thematic Action (TAG) Group Potential Members/Leaders: Phil Wilkilson, Maria Spasojevic ICESTAR Organization Thematic Action Groups
International Heliophysical Year (IHY) Science, Observatory Development, Outreach, History Visit:
Planning Organization
Meteors, Meteoroids and Interplanetary Dust Climate Neutral Atmospheres IHY Science Other Subject map for CIP’s Ionised Atmospheres Magnetospheres Solar Heliosphere/Cosmic Rays
Subject map for CIP’s Magnetospheres Aurora Other CIP xx Dynamics of magnetospheres Author ………… CIP yy ………………… CIP zz …………….. CIP ww ……………..