To begin the unit, I sent home a note to the parents stating that the child and I were collecting information on Abe Lincoln. As the children bring information in, it is placed in our display area. ABE UNIT
HISTORICAL INFORMATION Alec’s great, great, great, great grandfather was a Civil War Soldier. He brought in documents about his grandfather, Abe and the Civil War.
Power point I created an Abe Lincoln Power point Show. We viewed it as a class, then they watched in individually. The History Place on the Internet
The class documented information we found on Abe. I had former children of mine came in and read the Abe Lincoln Books they created the year before.
Language Skills (Nouns) We listed “THE PLACES” that Abe is associated with.
One initial activity was a web about Abe’s childhood. We read a couple of books and then we listed facts about his boyhood. Each child had to create an ABE WEB using any of the facts.
One example of my Group Center – This one had the children labeling two maps. The students are labeling the North and South regions on their maps (1860) map. Then on a separate empty US map, they had to color the four places Lincoln lived in his life. Centers are a part of my classroom.
I usually have four groups or centers 1. Computer Group 2. Seat work 3. Group Activity 4. Guided Reading
KIDSPIRATION, Then we looked at his childhood. Using KIDSPIRATION, the children had to list “FACTS” about his childhood. They had to know their source.
Math Lesson – To demonstrate Lincoln’s 6 foot 4 inch height, we measured the board with a basketball player. We were learning about measuring with inch rulers, so we converted Abe’s height to 76 inches tall and marked how tall Abe was on the cut out.
Our Abe Word Bank is placed on the computer to assist them in labeling.
Using the word bank, I created an ABC Order Review Test
One final project included our completed research paper. (Microsoft Word Document)