Perpetual motion machine is a kind of imagined machine moving constantly and applying work to the outside without external energy input, or only in one heat source conditions. Basically it is an engine that never stops motion. It refers to the violation of laws of thermodynamics.
The idea of perpetual motion machine originated from India, about A.D. 1200, this kind of thought from India to the Islamic world, and from here to the west. In Europe, Villard de Honnecourt mentioned the most famous design scheme of perpetual motion machine in Later, Leonardo da Vinci also made a similar device in Renaissance. After his experiments, he concluded that perpetual motion machine is not possible to achieve.
People always wanted to create a motion machine, which does not require a motive power input, but still works and keeps applying work to the outside.
People also try to manufacture a machine, which absorbs heat from a hyperthermia source, and use that source to apply work to the outside continuously. Such machine is called second type of motion machine.
The first type disobey the first law of thermodynamic Any thermodynamic system in an equilibrium state possesses a state variable called the internal energy (E). between any two equilibrium states, the change in internal energy is equal to the difference of the heat transfer into the system and work done by the system E= internal Energy E 2 - E 1 = Q -W
The second type The truth is that this kind of perpetual motion machine is never going to be made. Why? It is because mechanical energy can be transformed to internal energy fully, but not vise versa. Internal energy cannot be transformed to mechanical energy entirely without causing other changes.
From the failure of perpetual motion machine, we have two revelations. First, the failure of invention has its own volume; we should introspect and learn from the experience. This invention also aroused the strong relationship between the transform of energy and energy conservation. Secondly, we need to obey the natural law, because any invention against the law will only lead to tragedy, which exhaust a huge amount of time and resource.