Personal Fitness Coach Haddock
Course Description: This course is provided to teach students how to attain knowledge of physical fitness concepts and understanding the importance of lifestyle choices on their personal health and overall level of fitness. Students will be taught how to develop an optimal level of fitness. This course meets the state requirements and is required for graduation.
Textbook and Materials: Textbook: Foundations of Personal Fitness Materials: 1 1/2” Three Ring Binder Black/Blue Pens #2 Pencils Exercise Clothing Combination Lock Students are required to bring their notebook and writing utensils to class daily. Students should have exercise clothing on all workout days.
Evaluation Evaluation PS1: Competency in Motor Skill and Movement Patters 40% PS3: Participate regularly in physical Activity PS2:Understanding Movement Concepts, Principles, Strategies, and Tactics of 20% Physical Activities. Chapters: 7,8,9,10 PS5: Personal/Social Behaviors in Physical Activity Setting Chapters: 2,3 PS4: Health Enhancing Behaviors 20% Chapters: 4,5,6,11 PS6: Values and Respects Physical Activity Chapter 1,12 SLO (Pre/Post Test) 10% Final Exam 10% NOTE: ACADEMIC DISHONESTY WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF ZERO FOR THI ASSIGNMENT, A MARK OF UNSATISFACTORY IN CONDUCT, AND A PARENT CONTACT
CLASSROOM RULES You MUST be in the classroom when the warning bell rings. If you are late you must get an LAS Pass from front office (Wheeler HS Policy). You must come prepared to class (notebook, pencils, ETC..) MAKE UP WORK: It is your responsibility to check my blog to make up missed assignments. Work not made up within 1 week returning to school will result in a ZERO.
Workout Day Policies * Dress out 4 days a week (Fridays we will be in the classroom). No Food, Gum, or Drinks (except water) in PE Facilities. Students will be marked tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings. Students will have 10 minutes to dress out and be back in their assigned seats in the classroom. Students failing to do so will be marked tardy.
Make-Up Policies Each student receives 40 points/week for dressing out and participating. All excused absences or non-dress will result in a deduction of 10 points. All non-dresses and/or absences must be made up to earn back points. I am available every Wednesday Morning (7:30am in gym) and Wednesday after school (3:45pm at Softball Field). Let me know ahead of time I will have softball games on a few Wednesdays. Make-ups will be a 25 min Jog/Walk. You must show up on time for all make-ups.
Make-up Policies continued… Students who are injured for an extended period of time, must make up a workout days by completing a paper that will be assigned to you as it pertains to your specific injury. You MUST have a doctors note listing your restrictions and how long you will be unable to participate. Depending on the type of injury, the teacher maybe able to adapt workouts to meet the workout day requirements.
Workout Day You may use the locker room to lock up your clothes. You will be required to bring your own combination lock. You will also be able to leave your belongs in the classroom that will be locked the entire time we are exercising. ***once the door is locked you will not be able to enter the classroom until the end of the class period. Students ARE NOT permitted to go to the vending machines at any time during class. You will be given 15 min to dress back out. After you dress back into your school clothes you must stay in the Classroom, or basketball gym until the bell rings. DO NOT HANGOUT IN THE HALLWAY.
Dress Code T-shirt and “exercise” shorts (no buttons, zippers or belts) No tank tops, sleeveless shirts or cut-offs. Sweats when needed. Socks Tennis shoes only!!!!
Cell Phone Rules “Students shall not use, display or turn on cellular phone, video phones, or electronic devices during instruction time except when a teacher uses these devices for instructional purposes.” Workout days are a great opportunity for you to develop social skills.
This is going to be the best year!!!!!!!!! Go Wildcats!!!!