Information Talk for Parents K2/G1 Transition Wednesday, 21 May
Agenda IntroductionCarole SimilaritiesAlice/Julia DifferencesJulia/ Alice Transition programmeJan Q and ACarole
Introduction Building on past best practice One Elementary School – advantages Transition points – vary from school to school UNIS: D (half day) to D (full day) or K1 K2 to G1 G5 to G6 (ES to MS) G8 to G9 (MS to HS)
Similarities One teacher and one TA per class 4 classes per grade level ‘Common’ staff (e.g. Counselors, Learning Support, Vietnamese, Librarian, Music, Art, Nurses)
Similarities (continued) Length of day and start time Homeroom – PYP: UoI, English, Maths, PSEL builds upon what is taught in K2 Continued use of specialist teachers Transition to ‘specials’, ASAs and buses with TAs Shared events (e.g. Moon Festival, World Happiness Day, UN Day, Sports Days, Walkathon) Class and Grade level blogs continue to be the main method of communication
Differences Canteen and lunch Tickets/Coupons needed for school lunch. These MUST be purchased by a parent/ guardian in advance for the child. Parents cannot pay quarterly. Home Lunch can be sent in with the child, but G1 students are not allowed to use the microwaves. Slightly different timings K2 G1 Pick Up Time: K2 pick up time between 15:10 and 15:20 G1 pick up time is from 15:20 – should be picked up at the classroom.
20 children in each class Playground Much bigger! Meeting point to find G1 friends. Daily reading at home (10-15mins) – this is usually the only homework. Languages – World Language Time In K2 cultural studies in Vietnamese or Home Language time led by parents. G1 has assigned Language Teachers. Vietnamese and French are differentiated into two levels. Mandarin will be offered at beginner level only. EAL Beginner students go to additional English support. Home Languages option with a teacher paid for by parents. Differences (continued)
EAL staffing 1 teacher (Sharon Henderson) assigned solely to G1 with part-time EAL TA. Combination of pull-out and push-in support. Additional specialist teaching (Drama/ Dance) Assemblies Fridays period 7 - G1 to G5 in the theatre PE facilities – Sports Centre, field, basketball court Toilets – outside the classroom, go in pairs at start of year
Transition Programme PSEL programme – managing change, friendship Friday 29 May Visit of K2 children to Grade 1 classrooms (Classroom time and morning recess) Tuesday 2 June Visit of K2 children to Grade 1 (Classroom time and lunch in the canteen) Thursday 4 June A session with their new teacher ‘Moving Up Morning’ Handing on meetings between teachers
The student perspective The parent perspective
Q and A