Follow us on Web: North West Employers’ core objective is: “providing a network of support, advice and consultancy services on all people matters” I am here today as a representative associate of North West Employers. North West Employers provide and broker events for authorities' very specific and diverse needs. Our aim is to help improve current skills and grow new ones by designing bespoke courses for councillors, officers, administrators and front line staff; to offering an extensive regional programme of events to meet individual and organisational needs. For more information on how we can help you ring Pat Wilson: , visit our website or follow us via Twitter below. We very much hope you find today’s event of value and look forward to any feedback you may have.
Follow us on Web: Understanding Workforce planning 8 th September 2011
Follow us on Web: Aim To assist managers to gain an overall understanding of the process and to enable them to support staff within their teams who will be developing workforce plans.
Follow us on Web: Objectives At the end of the workshop participants will have:- Explored and built an understanding of the workforce planning process Considered where workforce planning fits in with other planning processes within their Authority Identified and discussed issues, questions and concerns in relation to workforce planning Shared good ideas Produced actions plans for taking the learning forward.
Follow us on Web: Content What is it? Definitions Why do it? Drivers/Benefits/Fit Workforce Planning in your Authority How to do it? A process What issues does it raise? Points to consider Where can I access further information and support? What do I need to do now?
Follow us on Web: Definitions “Workforce Planning is the process of ensuring that a business has the right number of employees; with the right knowledge, skills and behaviours in the right place at the right time” (IRS Employment Review 790). “Workforce Planning is about trying to predict the future demand for different types of staff and seeking to match this with supply” (Developing the NHS Workforce). “A process in which an organisation attempts to estimate the demand for labour and evaluate the size, nature and sources of supply which will be required to meet that demand” (Reilly 1996).
Follow us on Web: Workforce Planning – What is it? Identification of future service shape + Future skill, knowledge and job requirements + Current workforce situation
Follow us on Web: Exercise Why should we undertake Workforce Planning? What is driving the process?
Follow us on Web: Why do it? Political and policy change Labour Market change Demographic and social change Technological change
Follow us on Web: Political and policy change Examples: Economic drivers “Right to provide” Choice for service users (personalisation agenda)
Follow us on Web: Labour Market – The Local Government Workforce Local Government workforce is generally older than that of the whole economy Average sickness absence rate in Local Government is just over 10 days per employee per year which compares to a whole economy figure of 6.6 days per annum ( 2010) Shift towards more P/T working Transfer of staff to other organisations (TUPE)
Follow us on Web: Demographic and Social Change Rapidly changing global economy Ageing and increasingly diverse population Growing expectations of responsiveness Environmental pressures
Follow us on Web: Technological Change The content of the ww web doubles every 90 days Number of years to reach 50 million users Radio 38 years Television 18 years Cable 12 years The web 5 years Mobile Phone 2 years
Follow us on Web: Exercise What do you consider will be the benefits of effective workforce planning for your organisation?
Follow us on Web: NWE Template Starting the journey Identification of future needs Assessment of current situation Planning for action Implementation Review and evaluation
Follow us on Web: 1. Starting the journey Who is responsible for workforce planning? Have the key drivers been identified? Is there commitment and underpinning skills and resources? Is this carried out with partners- internal and external? How do the workforce planning processes link with other processes e.g. financial planning?
Follow us on Web: 2. Identification of Future Needs Exercise What might your service look like in 5 years time?
Follow us on Web: 2 Identification of Future Needs You will need to identify:- Corporate vision Impact of future Central Government Initiatives/ other external drivers Key objectives for their service area Planned major changes Predicted workforce profile in 5 / 10 years Future funding Demographic changes that could impact on services Workforce risks
Follow us on Web: 3. Assessment of current situation Data collection – Exercise What information do you currently have – both people and performance? How is it be collected and collated? What issues do you have about workforce data?
Follow us on Web: Current position Remember, this is not just a data collection exercise. It is the analysis of that information that is critical to the process.
Follow us on Web: 3. Assessment of Current Situation Numbers of staff part time/full time/ agency & costs Age /gender/ethnicity/disability etc. Turnover / absence/ overtime Qualifications/ skills Current labour market trends / e.g shortages Workforce risks Performance data
Follow us on Web: 4. Planning for action Compare the information from Stages 2 and 3 Identify the implications for staffing Set the priorities (with partners) Develop the strategy and action plan Ensure ongoing employee engagement Develop workforce strategy Develop action plan
Follow us on Web: Exercise What opportunities/activities are available to you to “fill the gap”? i.e. manage the workforce implications
Follow us on Web: Planning for action Some examples:- Provide greater work flexibility Outsource Job redesign and remodelling Enhance promotion opportunities for internal staff Extend sources of recruitment Process redesign and remodelling Succession planning/talent management Develop skills of current staff Partnership delivery
Follow us on Web: 5. Implementation Mainstream workforce planning processes Regular review of progress Evidence that solutions are having desired impact/corrective actions taken Regular risk assessment Proactive governance
Follow us on Web: 6. Review and evaluation Evidence based approach to review and evaluation Update key drivers Process and plan in place to update workforce strategy and plan Share good practice Celebrate success
Follow us on Web: Useful Support Information Internal – E.g. Business Planning Support Teams, HR and OD Teams, Finance and IT Teams External ( LGID)
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Follow us on Web: Issues What issues does the whole process raise for you?
Follow us on Web: What do I need to do now? What stage are you in the process? How will you plan to do what is required? What resources will you need to commit to this? What impact will this have on your other priorities?
Follow us on Web: Thoughts?/Comments Questions?
Follow us on Web: Contact Details: Pat Wilson North West Employers 6th Floor, Delphian House Riverside New Bailey Street Manchester M3 5AP Tel: Fax: Web: