CORE SURGICAL TRAINING INDUCTION AUGUST 2010 Mr Chris Barben Programme Director Core Surgical Training Mersey Deanery
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DISCUSS? Who we are What each of our roles is Paperwork Education programme ISCP Assessments CST1 and year 2 choices What is expected of you!
CORE SURGICAL TRAINING COMMITTEE Chris Barben – Programme Director Martin Brett – Year 2 lead Daniel Brown – T&O lead Elizabeth Collins – Regional Co-ordinator, RCS Declan Kelly – Wirral Hospital Trust Tracey Mason – Whiston Hospital Trust Karen Dorr/Christine Jones – Mersey Deanery
Mersey Deanery is responsible for the education, training and funding of all junior hospital doctors and dentists within the Mersey region. Address:Mersey Deanery Regatta Place, Brunswick Business Park, Summers Road, Liverpool, L3 4BL. Office hours:9 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Reception tel. no: (0151) Reception fax no: (0151) Website:
Deanery responsibilities Welcome packs Issue of NTN/DRN ARCPs Rotation confirmation Out of programme approval Training courses Quality Assurance of training posts
NEW STARTERS : Following recruitment, the medical staffing department inform the Deanery of new starters. The Deanery send trainee a Deanery Welcome Pack. This includes:Congratulations letter Conditions of Training Agreement Form R and supporting information Personal details form (this information is required for our Deanery database)
FORM R GMC and College requirement MUST be completed every year Can be completed and returned electronically with uploaded photograph and handwritten signature Failure to submit annually, will be reported to the Head of School This will result in trainee having to attend ARCP
PERSONAL DETAILS FORM: A personal details form will also be sent to the trainee along with the Form R. This form must be completed in full and returned to the Deanery. If any changes to personal details arise it is the trainee’s responsibility to inform the Deanery and the Lead Admin Trust.
NTNs: The Deanery will issue an NTN upon receipt of completed Form R and supporting documentation. The NTN will be ed to the trainee via the nominated address. Core trainees, FTSTAs and LATs will not be issued with an NTN, however they will receive a Deanery Reference Number (DRN).
NHS MAIL/ ACCOUNTS : All trainees MUST have an up-to-date account this will be the primary method of communication from the Deanery The preferred option is an NHS mail account. If this is not possible then you must nominate an account. Trainees must inform the Deanery/Medical Staffing Department/TPD’s of any changes to address.
ARCP ARCP’s will be conducted on a yearly basis. Trainee’s responsibility to update e-portflio Trainee’s responsibility to have all relevant sections signed off. School Administrator will inform trainee of SPARC and ARCP dates Trainee’s will not be invited to SPARC but may be invited to ARCP. Further details of the ARCP process can be found in the handout.
ARCP OUTCOMES ARCP 1:Satisfactory progress ARCP 2:Unsatisfactory progress – requires specific competencies developed ARCP 3:Inadequate progress – needs additional training time ARCP 4:Released from training programme ARCP 5:Inadequate evidence ARCP 6:Recommendation for completion of training ARCP7 : Fixed-term specialty outcome 1=Satisfactory progress, 2=Unsatisfactory progress 3=Inadequate progress ARCP 8:Out of programme experience approved
CST1 AND YEAR 2 CHOICES There is competition between trainees in CST1 for year 2 placements Trainees give preferences at December assessment Scoring system based on – Audits – Exams – Presentations/Publications – Other achievements Decisions are made in April
CST2 Most are likely to be applying to ST3 in their chosen specialty Level of achievement required to get shortlisted – Exams – Papers/Publications
CT2 (FTSTA) One year posts Same assessments and paperwork as CSTs Same outcomes as CSTs
3 YEAR CORE SURGICAL TRAINING PROGRAMME It is possible that CST may move to 3 years Will not happen until August 2011 at earliest
WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU?! ISCP AES meetings Paperwork Exams Audits – at least one every six months – complete! Presentations / Publications
WHERE TO GO FOR ADVICE AES / Clinical Supervisor – Programme Director – year 2 – T&O – ISCP –contract/employment for those NOT starting August – contract/employment for those starting August or – Deanery contact