By Dan, Kristen, and Maria
The VFW Assists and provides benefits for veterans Fight for improving Veteran Administration medical centers services for women veterans Provides assistance to widows of service men Encourages veterans to become involved in community volunteering
How and when was the VFW formed? Formed in 1899 by returning Spanish-American War veterans had no benefits ▫ Many were wounded or sick Veterans weren’t allowed to join veteran programs for the Civil war vets
VFW Membership Membership in 1915 was 5,000 In 1936, membership rose to 200,00 Now there are over 2 million members 1011 VFW posts around the world Membership requirement… ▫Serving overseas for more than 30 days
VFW Memorials VFW helped fund the creation at the Vietnam War, Korean War, WWII, and women in military service memorials
VFW Helps Injured Vets The VFW also fought to secure compensation for Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange and for veterans diagnosed with Golf War Syndrome ▫ Agent Orange is a defoliant that was used to foliage off trees in Vietnam ▫ Gulf War Syndrome infected veterans during the Gulf War who were exposed to biochemical warfare
VFW In The Classroom VFW members volunteer to assist teachers when teaching students military history The veterans bring war memorabilia, their old uniforms, badges, and photos
VFW Getting Involved With The Community VFW works with boy scouts of America Partners with… ▫ National Rifle Association ▫ U.S. Chamber of Commerce ▫ International Association of Firefighters ▫ Salvation Army VFW works with the Ladies Auxiliary members ▫ 11 million volunteer hours ▫ $64 million various community endeavors
VFW Programs Voice of Democracy ▫ Essay/Audio competition that gives away $2.2 million in scholarships/incentives Patriots Pen ▫ Essay competition that takes place each year ▫ Students grades 6-8 can participate Scout of the Year ▫ For boy/girl scouts, sea scouts, and venturing crew ▫ The VFW picks the scout of the year based on hard work, dedication, and commitment to scouts
Harvey Pierre First soldier from Appleton who died in WWI ▫KIA July 15 th,1918 in Champaign, France Served in the 50 th Machine Gun Battalion 42 nd Rainbow Division
Post 2778 (Appleton VFW) Sponsor and donate to groups and programs in the Fox Cities Involved in Flag Day, Labor Day, and Independence Day 350 members
Ray Nelson, Post 2778 Commander What Ray does as Post Commander: ▫Carries out meetings ▫Organizes events like Fish Fries ▫Organizes color guard services