Fraction Operations Review Kerbacher
Simplifying Fractions To simplify a fraction: Find the largest number divides evenly into the numerator and denominator. Divide the top and bottom of the fraction by this number. Example: 5 5
Mixed Number Improper Fraction To change a mixed number to an improper fraction: Multiply the denominator by the whole number, and then add the numerator. Finally, put this number over the original denominator Example: + x
Improper Fraction Mixed Number To change an improper fraction to a mixed number: Divide the numerator by the denominator, using remainder division. The result is the whole number, the remainder is the numerator and the denominator stays the same. Example: 2 R
Multiplying Fractions To multiply fractions: Multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second fraction. This becomes the numerator of the answer. Multiply the denominator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction. This becomes the denominator of the answer. Reduce the fraction. Example:
Dividing Fractions To divide fractions: Leave the first fraction as it is. Flip the second fraction (reciprocal) and then change the division to multiplication. Example:
Adding Fractions To add fractions: Find a common denominator. Write both of the fractions using the new denominator. Add the numerators and keep the denominator the same. Reduce the fraction. Example:
Subtracting Fractions To subtract fractions: Find a common denominator. Write both of the fractions using the new denominator. Subtract the numerators and keep the denominator the same. Reduce the fraction. Example: