Large earthquakes (just a selection) New Madrid 8 4/18/06 San Francisco /22/60 Chile $500 million 3/28/64 Alaska $300 million 10/17/89 Loma Prieta $6 billion 1/17/94 Northridge $15 billion 1/17/95 Kobe Japan 6.9 5,500 $100 billion 8/17/99 Turkey7.4 17,000 12/26/04Sumatra ,000
New Madrid, December 16, 1811
San Francisco, April 18, 1906 M=7.8
Images from
Off the coast of South Central Chile, May 22, 1960
Tsunami damage Chile Hilo, Hawaii
Prince William Sound, Alaska, 3/28/64 X: Rails bent, landslides VI: Felt by all, some damage IV: Felt by few outdoors, walls made cracking sound Modified Mercalli Intensity scale XII: destruction complete
Liquefaction & landslides
Rupture zones of large earthquakes: seismic gap hypothesis
Loma Prieta (Santa Cruz) 10/17/89
Collapsed Cypress freeway, Oakland
Marina district, San Francisco
Northridge 1/17/96: blind thrust
Moderate, but very damaging
Kobe, Japan, 1/17/1995
Izmit, Turkey, 8/17/1999
Coldwater MI, 8/10/1947 Chimneys were damaged, and windows and plaster were broken. Others: 7/27/05, Houghton 5/26/06, Houghton Both associated with mining