Warm-up: Explain the differences between global warming and ozone depletion.
What is the difference between global warming and ozone depletion? Two completely different issues Warming of the Earth Caused by greenhouse gases Results from burning fossil fuels and deforestation Break down of ozone (O3) Caused by CFCs (man-made pollutants) Increased UV radiation
Global Warming
Scientific Consensus? How much controversy is there in the scientific community regarding global warming and climate change?
Naomi Oreskes “Beyond the Ivory Tower” (2004) 75% 25% 0% Survey of 928 papers on global climate change published in peer-reviewed scientific journals between 1993 and 2003 75% What percentage of the studies DISAGREED with human- caused global warming? What’s the scientific consensus on global climate change? agreed that humans are causing the earth’s climate to warm up. 25% Studying other climate data (no position) 0% http://www.sciencemag.org/content/306/5702/1686.full
Peter Doran University of Illinois (2009) 96% 97% Among the scientists who are experts specializing in climatology: 96% 97% 100% 76 out of 79 climate scientists agreed that the earth is warming. 75 out of 77 agreed that humans are responsible for the change in climate. http://tigger.uic.edu/~pdoran/012009_Doran_final.pdf
Global Warming Causes – “Greenhouse gases” collect in the atmosphere and trap the heat from the sun in the Earth’s atmosphere The #1 Greenhouse Gas = Carbon dioxide builds up from: Burning fossil fuels Emissions from cars and factories Deforestation (cutting down trees)
Greenhouse Gases Global Warming CO2 CH4 N2O Greenhouse gas Human Activity CO2 Fossil fuels; Burning anything; Power plants; Deforestation Carbon dioxide CH4 Fossil fuels; farming (cows); landfills; sewage; decomposition Methane N2O Fertilizers; Factories (20x better at trapping heat than CO2) Nitrous oxide
Global Warming
CO2 Emissions Global Warming http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/co2_human.html
Global Warming
Greenhouse Gas Producers Notice the date for China’s data. Global Warming Greenhouse Gas Producers Notice the date for China’s data.
Greenhouse Gas Producers Global Warming Greenhouse Gas Producers
Across the World Global Warming In 2007, China surpassed the United States in greenhouse gas emissions, although the US still is #1 per capita. Scientists estimate that China will double its greenhouse gas production in the next 20 years. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,611818,00.html
Trapped Methane Deposits Global Warming Trapped Methane Deposits Warming melts ice and releases the methane bubbles frozen in the arctic permafrost Holy methane! Free methane goes into the atmosphere and causes more warming
What are possible effects of global warming? Rise in Temperature Melting of ice-caps Rise in sea level Large-scale climate change Destruction of ecosystems Spread of malaria from tropics Increase in number and severity of hurricanes Changes in ocean currents New ice age?
Hottest Years On Record Global Warming Hottest Years On Record Of the hottest 12 years on record, 10 of them were in the last decade! http://www.economist.com/blogs/dailychart/2010/12/climate_change
Global Warming Temperature over last 1,000 years Is this an average temperature fluctuation?
Global Warming Is this a normal level of carbon dioxide? CO2 and temperature The last 600,000 years Does temperature data correlate to atmospheric CO2 levels?
The “Cold” Hard Facts Global Warming Major findings of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2001) The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by 31% since 1750. The current CO2 concentration is at the highest level in the last 420,000 years. Atmospheric CO2 is increasing at a faster rate today than at any time over the past 20,000 years. The current concentration of methane (CH4) is at its highest level in the last 420,000 years. How can we possibly know what the temperature and atmosphere were like thousands of years ago?
The answer lies in the glacial ice of… Global Warming Ice Cores The answer lies in the glacial ice of… Antarctica! Why is Antarctica the only place where we can find out about the climate 400,000 years ago?
Evidence of Global Climate Change Global Warming Evidence of Global Climate Change Coral Bleaching Before After
Global Warming Spread of Malaria
Effects of Deforestation Global Warming Effects of Deforestation How much carbon is stored in the forests of the world? What happens as these areas become cleared? http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/earth20110531_prt.htm
Carbon Sinks Global Warming Fossil fuels underground Where else is carbon stored on Earth? On the sea floor Living things How is this carbon released into the atmosphere?
Rising coastal sea levels would result from an increase in melted ice Global Warming A Warming Planet Rising coastal sea levels would result from an increase in melted ice
Global Warming Larsen Ice Shelf B
Melting Alpine Glaciers Muir Glacier: Glacier National Park, Alaska Global Warming Melting Alpine Glaciers Muir Glacier: Glacier National Park, Alaska 1941 2004
Melting Alpine Glaciers Global Warming Melting Alpine Glaciers
Coastal Flooding Global Warming San Francisco Bay Area After a 20 foot rise in sea level http://visions2200.com/EnvironmentSeasRising.html
Coastal Flooding Louisiana Global Warming After a 20 foot rise in sea level
Coastal Flooding Florida After a 20 foot rise in sea level Global Warming Coastal Flooding Florida After a 20 foot rise in sea level
Click to view the effects of sea level rise in our area. Global Warming Coastal Flooding Click to view the effects of sea level rise in our area.
Global Warming SOLUTIONS Conservation – changing bad habits - Sustainable living (Ecological Footprint & Green Home Project) New Technologies – (Energy Fix Activity) Alternative Energy Sources Carbon Capture & Storage Fuel Efficient Cars: www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/best-worst.shtml