Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Team Dynamics
7-2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams Advantages Make better decisions, products/services Better information sharing Higher employee motivation/engagement - Fulfills drive to bond - Team members monitor performance - Team members are benchmarks of comparison Disadvantages Individuals better/faster on some tasks Process losses - cost of developing and maintaining teams Social loafing
7-3 How to Minimize Social Loafing Make individual performance more visible Form smaller teams Specialize tasks Measure individual performance Increase employee motivation Increase job enrichment Select motivated employees
7-4 Team Effectiveness Model Task characteristics Team size Team composition Team Design Accomplish tasks Satisfy member needs Maintain team survival Team Effectiveness Team development Team norms Team cohesiveness Team trust Team Processes Organizational and Team Environment
7-5 Levels of Task Interdependence Sequential Pooled Reciprocal Resource ABC ABC A BC High Low
7-6 Five C’s of Team Member Competencies
7-7 Existing teams might regress back to an earlier stage of development Forming Storming NormingPerforming Adjourning Stages of Team Development
7-8 Preventing/Changing Dysfunctional Team Norms State desired norms when forming teams Select members with preferred values Discuss counter-productive norms Reward behaviors representing desired norms Disband teams with dysfunctional norms
7-9 Team size Member interaction Smaller teams tend to be more cohesive Regular interaction increases cohesion Calls for tasks with high interdependence Member similarity Similarity-attraction effect Some forms of diversity have less effect Influences on Team Cohesion
7-10 Team success External challenges Successful teams fulfill member needs Success increases social identity with team Challenges increase cohesion when not overwhelming Somewhat difficult entry Team eliteness increases cohesion But lower cohesion with severe initiation Influences on Team Cohesion (con’t)
7-11 Three Levels of Trust Identification-based Trust Knowledge-based Trust Calculus-based Trust High Low
7-12 Self-Directed Team Success Factors Responsible for entire work process High interdependence within the team Low interdependence with other teams Autonomy to organize and coordinate work Technology supports team communication/coordination
7-13 Virtual Team Success Factors Member characteristics Technology savvy Self-leadership skills Emotional intelligence Flexible use of communication technologies Opportunities to meet face-to-face
7-14 Team Decision Making Constraints Time constraints Problems of coordination and production blocking Evaluation apprehension Belief that others are silently evaluating you Peer pressure to conform Suppressing opinions that oppose team norms Groupthink Tendency of highly cohesive teams to value consensus at the price of decision quality Concept losing favor -- consider more specific features
7-15 Evaluating Brainstorming Strengths Produces more creative ideas Less evaluation apprehension when team supports a learning orientation Strengthens decision acceptance and team cohesiveness Sharing positive emotions encourages creativity Weaknesses Production blocking still exists Evaluation apprehension exists in many groups