Development process / consultation National Water Strategy V A N U A T U
How It Evolves Initiated by DGMWR / MoLNR – Oct 2006 Initiated by DGMWR / MoLNR – Oct 2006 Planning and preparation of the strategy was undertaken during a week of workshopping and meetings with D G, the DGMWR director and key department staff, an Oxfam NZ team and a civil society representative. Nov 2006 Planning and preparation of the strategy was undertaken during a week of workshopping and meetings with D G, the DGMWR director and key department staff, an Oxfam NZ team and a civil society representative. Nov 2006 The workshop sought to generate wide agreement from all parties on: The workshop sought to generate wide agreement from all parties on: 1. Overall vision and objectives anticipated to be included in the strategy 2. Research and consultation process to be used to develop it 3. The technical assistance 4. The budget required.
The Process Project document developed – Nov 2006 Project document developed – Nov 2006 Finding secured, NZAID – Feb 2007 Finding secured, NZAID – Feb 2007 Amount US$ 120,000 Amount US$ 120,000 Development of Strategy commenced, based on 8 different stages Development of Strategy commenced, based on 8 different stages
Stage 1Planning and Outline Establish a working group to facilitate the strategy development process Establish a working group to facilitate the strategy development process Formation of task teams on each objective Formation of task teams on each objective Literature review of Water Resources Act, PAA, MTDF, other departmental strategies and programmes. Literature review of Water Resources Act, PAA, MTDF, other departmental strategies and programmes. Develop an outline/format the strategy will take including goal and objective topics, budgets etc to meeting department and DESP and ministry needs and expectations Develop an outline/format the strategy will take including goal and objective topics, budgets etc to meeting department and DESP and ministry needs and expectations
Stage 2Desk Reviews / Initial Meetings / Background Paper Production Obj 1: Regulatory Framework and Role Obj 1: Regulatory Framework and Role Obj 2: Water Resource Management and Protection: Obj 2: Water Resource Management and Protection: Obj 3: Appropriate Infrastructure installed: Obj 3: Appropriate Infrastructure installed: Obj 4: Systems sustainably managed & maintained: Obj 4: Systems sustainably managed & maintained: Obj 5: Water Quality Monitored and maintained Obj 5: Water Quality Monitored and maintained Obj 6: Information management and awareness Obj 6: Information management and awareness Obj 7: Department Capacity Obj 7: Department Capacity ONZ Review background papers and prepare for consultations ONZ Review background papers and prepare for consultations
Stage 3Round 1 Internal Consultations Convene meeting in Vila for Reps from Lands, Forestry, Agriculture, DGMRWS, PRWSO’s, Prov Planners, 2 municipal planners, 3 PPWD Presentation by each Task team. Background papers distributed beforehand. Convene meeting in Vila for Reps from Lands, Forestry, Agriculture, DGMRWS, PRWSO’s, Prov Planners, 2 municipal planners, 3 PPWD Presentation by each Task team. Background papers distributed beforehand. Amend background papers after this consultation to prepare for Round 2 consultation and review by ONZ Amend background papers after this consultation to prepare for Round 2 consultation and review by ONZ
Stage 4 Round 2 External Consultations Water Quality meeting in Vila Consultation with key orgs involved in water quality Water Quality meeting in Vila Consultation with key orgs involved in water quality Meeting with MPs Meeting with MPs Consult with NGOs, private sector, donors on papers (Writer attends) Consult with NGOs, private sector, donors on papers (Writer attends) Community Consultation in 3 provinces Community Consultation in 3 provinces
voices of women A gender representative was involved in all community consultation A gender representative was involved in all community consultation Gender separated discussions were held within communities to ensure that both genders get an opportunity to express ideas freely Gender separated discussions were held within communities to ensure that both genders get an opportunity to express ideas freely Women’s groups were invited to provincial consultations Women’s groups were invited to provincial consultations Civil society groups working on Women’s issues were invited to external consultations Civil society groups working on Women’s issues were invited to external consultations
Stage 5 Prepare first draft based on research and feedback from Stages 1 – 4 Prepare first draft based on research and feedback from Stages 1 – 4 Draft strategy by writer and director in consultation with task teams Draft strategy by writer and director in consultation with task teams
Stage 6Consultations on draft strategy Conduct an internal consultation on first draft with the National Water Committee. Writer attends Conduct an internal consultation on first draft with the National Water Committee. Writer attends Amend draft based on feedback from NWC and send out the draft document for review and written submission by stakeholder attending Items 6.3 and 6.4. Amend draft based on feedback from NWC and send out the draft document for review and written submission by stakeholder attending Items 6.3 and 6.4. VILA consultation on draft with all stakeholders NGO’s donors, MP’s, Private sector etc VILA consultation on draft with all stakeholders NGO’s donors, MP’s, Private sector etc Consult in all 6 provinces, meeting with all Provincial staff Consult in all 6 provinces, meeting with all Provincial staff
Stage 7Finalize strategy Finalize the strategy document and prepare a summary to DESP Finalize the strategy document and prepare a summary to DESP Prepare annual plan for years 1, 2 and 3 of strategy implementation Prepare annual plan for years 1, 2 and 3 of strategy implementation
Stage 8 Approval and launch Approval process through DG, DCO and Council of Ministers – March 2008 Approval process through DG, DCO and Council of Ministers – March 2008 Translation and Printing of Strategy Translation and Printing of Strategy Launch Strategy and forward Annual Plans – August 2008 Launch Strategy and forward Annual Plans – August 2008 Distribute Strategy document Distribute Strategy document