Draft Zero Terms of Reference FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team FSC Meeting Dhaka 18 April 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Draft Zero Terms of Reference FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team FSC Meeting Dhaka 18 April 2012

Aims and objectives of the FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team AIM To support and advise the FSC on technical standards, especially pertaining to Needs Assessment Tools, to be formulated, analysed, validated and applied to enhance maximum preparedness and appropriate rapid response and recovery intervention during both sudden and slow onset emergencies. OBJECTIVE To ensure effective technical assessment and analysis of different sectoral needs, analysis, planning monitoring and response. To strengthen technical coordination, collaboration and cooperation among the stakeholders by ensuring integration of priority cross-cutting issues.

Tasks and Responsibilities of the FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team Develop and propose a technical working plan to the FSC. Advise on adequate monitoring and evaluation against technical. implementation and identify technical and other gaps (ie. human resources). Identify and advise on the priority technical tasks and responsibilities. Advise on the application of technical standards. Identify gaps and enhance technical capacity building of key partners.

Tasks and Responsibilities of the FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team Formulate, analyse and validate a variety of technical needs assessment tools (12-14 hours, 48 hours, two weeks, follow up etc) which address availability, access, utilization and stabilization to be proposed to FSC members. Formulate, review and validate checklist for assessing the situation and needs of affected people and geographic location to be proposed to FSC member. Provide technical assistance to FSC for conducting need assessment, analyzing data and taking decision for response option as of phases. Assist FSC to gather baseline information on who is doing what, where, when during an emergency (4W).

Tasks and Responsibilities of the FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team Identify and advise on the nature, category and type of disaster (sudden onset or slow onset) and whether it is chronic food insecurity or natural disaster. Support coordination among actors to integrate prioritized cross-cutting /diversity issues during need assessment, identifying response option, implementation strategy and evaluation and provide support to avail proper tools to address it. Regular report sharing, feedback and exchange with the cluster and other key groups.

Time commitment of the FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team Meet bimonthly to establish the team and during times of key needs assessment tool development stages. Meet when necessary before/after emergencies. Meet quarterly during normal times.

FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team Member Criteria Not for all. It would be inclusive of food security experts with prior knowledge, experience and relevant technical expertise including: MoFDM (relevant departments) MoA (relevant departments) MoFLS (relevant departments) LGED UN, INGO and NGO relevant agencies. Other relevant ministries/partners, as needed for specific technical advice, on a limited basis.

FSC (Humanitarian) Technical Team Discussion Points TWG should be called Emergency/Humanitarian Food Security Cluster Technical Team to avoid potential conflict with the existing LCG on Agriculture and Food Security led by Secretary Ministry of Agriculture. Consensus that only one technical working group under the FSC should be established. Next meeting proposed to refine ToR and initiate work plan proposal