1 Chapters 8 & 9 Understanding Groups & Team Work
2 Advantages of Groups (Two heads are better than one.)
3 Disadvantages of Groups (If you want something done right, do it yourself.)
4 Guiding Group Decisions Things to Do: Present clear, reasoned ideas Listen (try not to pre-judge) Yield to more logical positions Get others involved, watch for self-censorship In stalemates, push for more alternatives
5 Guiding Group Decisions Things to Avoid: Don’t give in just to avoid conflict Avoid “voting,” “coin tossing” Avoid compromises (look for win-win instead) Watch for effects of “irrelevant” criteria
6 Why Have Teams Become So Popular? Typically outperform individuals. Use employee talents better. More flexible and responsive to changes in the environment. Facilitate employee involvement. Effective way to democratize organizations and increase motivation.
7 Key concepts for understanding what makes teams effective Development/life cycle stages Internal team structures: - Roles - Norms - Size - Composition (and team member status) - Cohesion and morale Mgmt. and team member KSAs Broader design considerations: - Context - Composition - Work design - Process
8 The Five Life Cycle Stages of Group Development 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning
9 Using the Life Cycle “Stages” to Manage Groups Map to guide group formation Maturation takes time Conflict is part of the process Stages NOT always sequential
10 RolesNorms Purpose Development Centrality Deviance (& status) Leader Task Expert Harmonizer Challenger Internal Group Structure
11 Conformity Subversive Rebellion Open Revolution Creative Individualism Central Norms Peripheral Norms AcceptReject Accept Types of Deviance in Groups
12 Internal Group Structure (cont.) SizeComposition Large Groups Small Groups (Impact on social loafing?) Homogeneous Heterogeneous
13 Building Cohesive Groups Small size Homogeneous composition Work & social interaction Sufficient resources Reward cooperation
14 Limited hierarchy Outside competition History of success Isolation Building Cohesive Groups (cont.)
15 Satisfaction and Motivation Support for Learning Strong Norms & Culture Less Conflict Focus on Group Norms Loss of Creativity Groupthink Less Conflict AdvantagesDisadvantages Building Cohesive Groups (cont.)
16 Cohesiveness and Productivity
17 Supervisor/Manager KSAs Coaching and facilitating KSAs - Delegation and empowerment KSAs - Process change and innovation KSAs - Culture management KSAs Resource coordinator - Systems wide performance mgmt. KSAs - Inter-team planning and coordination KSAs Mgmt. & Team Member KSAs
18 Employee KSAs Interpersonal KSAs - Conflict resolution KSAs - Collaborative problem-solving KSAs - Interpersonal communication KSAs Self-management KSAs - Goal setting and performance mgmt. KSAs - Planning and task coordination KSAs Mgmt. & Team Member KSAs (cont.)
19 The Team Effectiveness Model E X H I B I T 9–3
20 Turning Groups into Teams (or How you, too, can have a team-based organization!) The Stevens & Yarish ILA Model Level 1: The Individual Supervisors’/managers’ KSAs Employees’ KSAs Level 2: The Group Internal group processes and dynamics Level 3: The Organization Culture and structures
21 Turning Employees Into Team Players The Challenges: - Individual resistance to team membership. - Influences of individualistic cultures. - Introducing teams against a company context that has valued individual achievement. Shaping Team Players: - Selecting employees who can fulfill team roles. - Training employees to become team players. - Reworking rewards to encourage cooperative efforts while recognizing individual contributions.
22 Turning Managers Into Team Leaders The Challenges: - Resistance to sharing power. - Influences of traditional autocratic and individualistic cultures. - Discomfort with change and innovation. - Shifting leadership style towards coaching/facilitating - Developing ability to act in role of resource coordinator. - Developing team member KSAs to be an effective peer with other managers on leadership teams.