Census of India 2001 MODERNISING DATA DISSEMINATION ACTIVITY IN CENSUS Office of the Registrar General, India Ministry of Home Affairs 2A, Mansingh Road, New Delhi
Data Collection Data Processing Data Dissemination
Subjects Covered Population Tables Economic Tables Social and Cultural Tables including on Age & Marital Status Education Religion Language Tables on SC/ST Migration Tables Fertility Tables
Subjects Covered Primary Census Abstract Village Directory Town Directory District Census Handbook Maps & Cartographic presentations Special Studies Vital Statistics Other
Levels of Presentation of Census Data India level State level District level Tahsil/Taluka level Village level Ward level
Table Format 2001 Census Tables will be generated at pre-decided formats Number of Tables : 1991 Census : Census : About 300 Most of these tables will be presented at State/District level Some will be presented even at the village level There is also proposal to generate special tables at Users request
1991 Census Scenario
1991 Census MODES OF DATA DISSEMINATION BooksFloppies CD-RomInternet
1991 Census MODES OF DATA DISSEMINATION Books Census Volumes were published at India & State level Limited number of copies could be printed Ultimate user reach is limited There is always demand for more number of copies
1991 Census MODES OF DATA DISSEMINATION Tables were provided in Diskettes for immediate use Usually the Diskettes were prepared by subject series Tables were in.xls or.dbf format Large number of diskettes were required for each Series Though convenient to use, sometime quality of the diskette caused problem Diskettes
1991 Census MODES OF DATA DISSEMINATION Only one CD was prepared It contained all the 1991 Census Tables published Price of the CD is Rs 2500/- A large number of CDs have been sold The CD is in great demand even today CD-Rom
1991 Census MODES OF DATA DISSEMINATION With the introduction and growing popularity of Internet, Census organisation decided to use the facility to disseminate Census Data over the world wide web Census of India website was created in 1998 (URL: The website initially provided metadata on Census and tables on a few important variables based on 1991 Census. The site registered about 10,000 visits per month when introduced Internet
2001 Census Scenario
DATA DISSEMINATION What the Experts say … Census analysis is only valuable if utilized for a better understanding of social and demographic levels and trends. It is most valuable when used for formulating development policies and programmes… - UNFPA Country Technical Services Team, Bangkok : 2000
DATA DISSEMINATION What the Experts say …Thus it is not sufficient merely to prepare the Census reports. A variety of information products targeting different users should be prepared. The intended users should be involved in the development and utilization of the products … - UNFPA Country Technical Services Team, Bangkok : 2000
DATA DISSEMINATION What the Experts say … Statistical and Census organizations should adopt a proactive strategy towards developing their data dissemination strategy and tools … -UNFPA Country Technical Services Team, Bangkok : 2000
DATA DISSEMINATION What the Experts say The statistical and census organizations should: Adopt Internet technology as part of their data dissemination strategy Where live Internet is not possible, the development of hypertext interface for a dissemination CD be considered be used to for keeping known customers informed about the release schedules and for disseminating summary results - UNFPA Country Technical Services Team, Bangkok : 2000
DATA DISSEMINATION What the Experts say The statistical and census organizations should: Lay special emphasis on the use of geographical information systems (GIS) in data dissemination using digitized boundary maps for effective illustration of census data Strategy for developing internal human resources for effective data dissemination - UNFPA Country Technical Services Team, Bangkok : 2000
DATA DISSEMINATION What the Experts say … The provision of an effective statistical service requires efficient dissemination of the information which the statistical agency produces and effective marketing of the agency’s statistical products and services so that official statistics are used widely in decision making, research and discussion... - ‘Electronic Dissemination – ABS Experience’. Australian Bureau of Statistics, UN Secretariat : 1997
DATA DISSEMINATION What the Experts say … Maximum use will occur when the statistics are relevant, reliable, accessible and in a convenient and usable form. Dissemination methods influence accessibility and use and the ABS uses many avenues for dissemination of its statistics, including printed publications, magnetic tape, floppy disk, CD-ROM, on-line services and most recently, the Internet ‘Electronic Dissemination – ABS Experience’. Australian Bureau of Statistics, UN Secretariat : 1997
2001 Census Strategy
Strategy: To develop Data Dissemination Units at R G Office and each State Census Directorate To undertake National Census Data Requirement Survey by engaging professional agency To develop infrastructure for data dissemination using Printed publications Diskettes, CD ROMs network Over Internet 2001 Census Strategy
Strategy: Extensively use GIS technology in disseminating census results through thematic maps Making available Internet GIS at the website for generating thematic maps by data users Creating State Census website to facilitate dissemination of state level census data in English and regional languages for optimum use Regularly interacting with the stakeholders for assessing and meeting their needs for census data Maintaining and updating Census Data User database to meet the interact with various target groups 2001 Census Strategy
Strategy: Extending facility of Registration to the Data Users to enable sending Newsletter on release schedules and information on census Providing record level data after deleting information on sensitive fields to data users Provision of powerful software to generate customised tables from record level data Adequate publicity and organising workshops with stakeholders 2001 Census Strategy
Census is one of the largest producers of good quality maps in printed and digitized forms 2001 Census has introduced the system of Permanent Location Codes at village level to remove problems of time series analysis These frames and maps are used for sample survey by other agencies MAPS
Census is contemplating release of village level maps prepared by Enumerators Every Census report included high quality thematic maps Census maintains the largest database of digitized boundaries upto village level Census generates digitized thematic maps on Census and non-Census data MAPS
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