Trace gases measurements in convective outflow by MOZAIC: preliminary results Johnny Luo City College of New York, CUNY
MOZAIC: Measurements of OZone and wAter vapour by Airbus In-Service airCraft MOZAIC FACTS: present (transition to IAGOS) 2.Measuring temperature, humidity, and O 3 (NO x and CO since 2000); 3.Temperature/Humidity: PT100/HUMIDCAP-H (accuracy: 0.5 K/RH 5%) 4.Ozone: Dual beam UV absorption instrument (accuracy: 2 ppb) 5.CO: Infrared CO analyzer (accuracy: 5 ppb) 6.Response time: 1 min for humidity and 30 s for CO; 7.Flight cruise levels: ~ hPa;
Luo et al Level of maximum outflow in the SEAC4RS region is ~10-12 km, close to the cruise level of MOZAIC flights.
RHi (%) O 3 (ppb) CO (ppb)
Longitude Latitude India Bay of Bengal(55 for Aug & Sep) (197 for Aug & Sep)
Bay of BengalConvection defined by RHi ConvectionClear ConvectionClear Convection Clear Convection
Bay of BengalConvection defined by RHi ConvectionClear ConvectionClear Convection Clear Convection O 3 and CO in the convective outflow reflect their concentrations in the marine boundary layer (relatively pristine?). Ozone sounding across the Atlantic Kley et al. (2007)
Red: hPa Pink: hPa Yellow: hPa Green: hPa Blue: <207 hPa Tracer-tracer relationship: O 3 and CO near deep convective outflow are positively correlated
ConvectionClear ConvectionClear ConvectionClear ConvectionClear Convection defined by RHi India subcontinent
ConvectionClear ConvectionClear ConvectionClear ConvectionClear India subcontinent Convection defined by RHi ConvectionClear ConvectionClear Bay of Bengal
Tracer-tracer relationship: less correlation in the India subcontinent than Bay of Bengal India subcontinentBay of Bengal
Convective outflow Convective boundary layer Cumulus congestus (a “mysterious” cloud type in the tropics) Johnson et al A Flight Plan
Some science questions about cumulus congestus: 1.Why do they cease to grow? (Previous studies suggest a weak stable layer near the melting level ~ 5 km) 2.Do they moisten the middle troposphere, paving the way for deeper convection? 3.What are the characteristic vertical velocities inside the cumulus congestus? 4.Do they pump PBL trace gases just like deep convection?