Progress update on developing Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP IV) Joint Annual Health Sector Review Technical Review Meeting Wednesday 5 th November, 2014 By Mr. J. J. Rubona
Outline Introduction Process for Developing HSSP Iv HSSP IV Development Update
Introduction…1 Health Sector Strategic Plan III started in July, 2009 and it will end up in June This concide with the target year of achieving MDGs Main focuses for HSSPS III are: - - Achieving MDGs - National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUKUTA) - Development Plan for Primary Health Care (MMAM) - Health System Strengthening (Six building blocks) - Decentralization by Devolution (D by D) - Specific Strategies (HIV and AIDS, Reproductive and Child Health) etc.
Introduction…2 The HSSP III has 11 Strategies as follows: - -District Health Services -Referral Hospital Services -Central level support -Human Resources -Health Care Financing -Public Private Partnership -Maternal Newborn and Child Health -Disease Control -Emergency Preparedness -Social Welfare/Social Protection -Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Each strategy has specific objectives
Process for developing HSSP IV It was decided that HSSP IV development should in cooperate BRN plans. This necessitated HSSP IV to be developed through two phases as follows:- - Phase 1 set out the main thematic and priority areas as well as defining the methodology, roadmap and budget for developing the HSSP IV in detail. - Phase II of the development put into consideration the work already done under the BRN process.
HSSP IV development update (1) PurposeTiming/Mode 1.Invitation to participate in Steering Committee (SC) for developing HSSP IV sent to all members, with supporting documentation (SC ToRs, MTR Report, TRM & PM reports): Output- Members accept invitation December Initial meeting of HSSP IV Steering Committee -Nominate and elect Co-Chair. - Priority themes of HSSP IV to reflect the strategic areas to be covered were discussed February 2014 Meeting
HSSP IV development update (2) PurposeTiming/Mode 3. Overall Terms of Reference for developing HSSP IV approved by SC -Detailed timeline developed and approved by SC February HSSP IV Taskforce met to propose budget, sources of funding and identify Team Leader – NOT COMPLETED March, April & June 2014 Meeting 5. TWGs requested to elaborate on HSSP III achievements and remaining activities. To suggest priority themes of HSSP IV July 2014 Meeting
HSSP IV development update (3) PurposeTiming/Mode 6. Draft TOR for the Team Leader updated and approved by Steering Committee July Checking for availability of Team Leader and National Technical Support consultant July Short listing Team Leader Applications and Selection of Team Leader Aug Recommendation for Team Leader endorsement by the Steering Committee Sept Contracting of Team Leader & National Facilitator Oct 2014
HSSP IV development update (4) PurposeTiming/Mode 11. Inception Visit by Team Leader Main Outputs: Detailed methodology for the HSSP IV development process Finalise and agree thematic and technical content of HSSP IV Clearly define linkages and alignment of BRN and HSSP IV priorities Detailed Schedule for the Development Phase of HSSP IV Guidelines for the input from the TWGs and other groups ToRs for any additional specific Technical Assistance First outline of the table of contents of the HSSP IV and a budget for the development phase of the HSSP IV Nov 2014
HSSP IV development update (5) PurposeTiming/Mode HSSP IV Development Phase (Way Forward)Mid-Nov/ Dec/Jan/Feb Intensive TWG Involvement in HSSP IV Development - TWGs contributing to their technical area of the HSSP IV - Team leader to visit Tanzania monthly to discuss progress with TWGs Nov/Dec/Jan Costing “as we go” using OneHealth and existing sub-sector plan inputs October, 2014 onwards Final Draft HSSP IV Start of HSSP IV implementation End-Feb 2015 July 2015
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